Hi,I’m wondering if Adobe Analytics has a functionality to easily adjust date ranges for comparisons in reports.Here’s the situation: I’ve created a report to compare our monthly data (e.g., 01/10/2024 - 31/10/2024) with the same month last year (01/10/2023 - 31/10/2023). This setup works well, and ...
Hello,Data Feed to SFTP data file exception. The .part file cannot be extracted or opened. Previously, there were no files with the .part suffix. What could be the reason for this?
Hi Team,We are moving our B2C and B2B websites from AMS to AEMaaCS. We are re-designing the website and developing new AEM components since we have too many legacy custom AEM components created 6-7 years back. I am looking for suggestions(at a high level) on scenarios for implementing Analytics on B...
Howdy Adobe Community,Is anyone experiencing issue with their Marketing channel attribution with shopify checkout extensibility?We are noticing new session start in our marketing channel reporting when user proceeds to the order comfirmation page (checkout_completed). Most of our traffic are being a...
https://developer.adobe.com/analytics-apis/docs/2.0/guides/endpoints/classifications/import-file/#post-upload-fileI'm working through this API requestPOST https://analytics.adobe.io.api/{GLOBAL_COMPANY_ID}/classifications/job/import/uploadFile/{API_JOB_ID}Error:{ "errorCode": "500", "errorDesc...
I am new to Adobe CJA API and my team wants to fetch the top viewed page with the exact number of views using reports API: https://developer.adobe.com/cja-apis/docs/api/#tag/Reporting-API. My team has already created a Adobe CJA Workspace project for the same. I was able to make connection and get ...
Hello, I am having problems with a scheduled report because the received Excel file contains no data (equal to 0) related to marketing channel metrics that are instead shown correctly in the Adobe dashboard. Has this ever happened to anyone? What is the cause?Could this be a temporary issue since, u...
Hello, I selected the report suits as xxxx prd in the project within Workspace, and I was able to retrieve the product column. However, when I also selected the report suits as xxxx prd in Data Feed, I couldn't find the product column. Why is this happening? WorkSpace: Data Feed:
I am trying to use the Excel based health dash as posted here by Adobe - https://new.express.adobe.com/webpage/y6DGOeWmpo7UhI am getting error message that the product maynot be supported by Adobe anymore. Any advice here to use this or a similar product to actively monitor the health of a report su...