I am facing the following challenges with the AEP debugger and other debugging tools:With nearly 100 variables, only 15 fit within the screen at a time, making it challenging to view all relevant data. Scrolling up and down often leads to missing related eVar/prop information. (Where as in previous ...
The new Adobe Experience Platform Debugger is not as readable as the old Adobe Experience cloud Debugger.1. I was able to see the analytic calls and dimesions in one glance for atleast 5 calls in the Old debugger2. New Debugger - I am facing a challenge scrolling up and down for each and every singl...
Hi, Is there a way where I can multiply the row values with Column Value (no. of UVs) for the following table in the work space. For Eg., For row 1, I would like to calculate 1 * 121 = 121 , 2*28=56 ... and so on.Thanks in Advance.
Hi Jennifer, Our developers mentioned that 'in order to mask all that we will need to analyze which specific links, pages or site sections are contributing to this data and then customize Activity Map to exclude the links or regions on the website from being tracked. This requires a lot of analysis ...
Our Web analytics team has decided to disable Activity Map dimensions as personal information like email address & phone numbers are populating under Activity Map dimensions for less than 0.1% of the users. Is there a way fix this issue instead of disabling them?