Currently experiencing grievances with the META Pixel Extension. When I set up a page view, the page view always has the hostname as "pixel_location" value. Which isn't really logical, because I want to have the specific URL path in there. Any ideas why this is happening or how to rectify it?
Hi everyone, just finishing up the AEP Web SDK migration and ran into an issue with activity map and exit link tracking, enabled the click tracking in the extension configuration, still doesn't work (snapshot attached). Anyone else facing the same issue? Thanks!
Hi. I'm dealing with conflicting information on how to include the `web.webInteraction` object to capture internal link clicks in page-view events using the Web SDK extension. Details:In the extension config I've selected all internal link tracking options, as well as the "event grouping using sessi...
Hi Team,Adobe product documentation mentions that if we are using FPID in our implementation than we cannot use Use third-party cookies option in Web SDK configuration,This means I can use either FPID or Demdex ID to seed ECID.I want to understand what happens if we have both of these options enable...
Hi Team,Why do I see some Web SDK collect calls triggering as ping type returning 204 status and these have no post body. I also don't see any initiator showing for these calls, I'd like to understand couple of things,What settings in Web SDK are triggering these calls?What is the purpose of these c...
for mobile app implementation, is there equivalent for s.abort ? so if we need to not send adobe pixel, even if native app developer sends trackState/trackAction ? UseCase is to urgently suppress some of the trackState/trackAcion calls which are no longer required, and we cant wait for the next app ...
Hello,Setup: Adobe Analytics using xdm, schema set through code in edit code area JS (btw there are a bunch of warnings in the code ie 'expected identifier and instead saw '=') of AEP WebSDK extension. We are having an issue where a numeric event is not sending values on purchase (number of coupons ...
Hi all,Is there a way to configure automatic alerts in case the streaming ingestion fails following an API call from Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO) to the Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) endpoint? Or more generally, if AJO makes a call to the AEP endpoint and it does not respond?Thank you in advance!...
Hi all, in this interface in AEPabout datastream mapping: I'm trying to have a IF THEN ELSE condition. My goal is to have the value of data.pageUrl mapped to prop5 only if xdm.eventType = web.webPageDetails.pageViewsSo I created a calculated field with the condition iif(${xdm.eventType}.equals("web....