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Adobe Experience Platform - Configuring Automatic Alerts for API Call Failures Between AJO and AEP


Level 2

Hi all,

Is there a way to configure automatic alerts in case the streaming ingestion fails following an API call from Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO) to the Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) endpoint? Or more generally, if AJO makes a call to the AEP endpoint and it does not respond?

Thank you in advance!


2 Replies



@user48 @AlokLa @Prateek-Garg @SuvoDas @Elizabethes1 @Krish829 @PratheepArunRaj @RodolfoCh @narendragandhi @Jennifer_Dungan If you're available, please check out this question and share your thoughts. Your help means a lot!

Kautuk Sahni





You can use AJO's Built-in Alerts: Navigate to the Alerts section in AJO under the Administration menu. Here, you can subscribe to alerts related to API call failures. Alternatively, you can Configure Custom Alerts: You can set up custom alerts for specific API call failures. This involves creating a custom action in your journey that checks for a response from the AEP endpoint. If no response is received, the custom action can trigger an alert.

The below exp league documentation can help:



Hope this helps