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Adobe Experience Platform Debugger -- Cannot Sign In


Level 1

I'm unable to sign into the debugger. I'm using the Google Chrome extension. Whenever I click "Sign In" in the debugger I get the following message and even when I reload the page it continues to show me this error. 

This page isn’t working

login.aepdebugger.adobe.com didn’t send any data.

I am signed into other Adobe products, specifically Adobe Target, at the same time. 
I was able to use the extension and sign in 2 weeks ago, so I'm not sure what's change. 
Thanks for your help. 
2 Replies



@user48 @AlokLa @Prateek-Garg @SuvoDas @Elizabethes1 @Krish829 @PratheepArunRaj @RodolfoCh @narendragandhi @Jennifer_Dungan Can you take a quick look at this question? Any guidance you can provide would be much appreciated!

Kautuk Sahni





Are you sill able to use other adobe products. This seems like a generic error.

If you have not tried already, you can try the below:

Clear browser caches and cookies

Reinstall debugger and sign out of all adobe apps and sing in back again

Disable other extensions