Previously we were getting 9/27/2023|4:02 AM|Wednesday this format, Now with the 6.2 version the output is year=2023 | month=September | date=27 | day=Wednesday | time=11:35 PM.I tired different things but unable to get month in numeric format.any tips? Also explain a = /([a-zA-Z]+).*?([a-zA-Z]+).*...
Hi, We have implemented the Payment method using Adobe launch and it's capturing the payment methods like visa, master... and unspecified. When we drill down the analytics, under Unspecified there are transaction ID captured and we checked the payment gateway, the ID is mapped to visa/master etc. Qu...
I was contemplating on the natural variance in values that occur in day and month breakdown of metrics. I was thinking about how filtering for work week can make daily variances easier to look at and then extended the idea to how the same could be done for monthly breakdowns. The average month is 30...
Hi there,I've used JWT Authentication to generate access_token via POST, I got globalCompanyId value from /discovery/me (attached "discovery_me.png") and saved it in env.variable company_id for the request to /users/me (parameter "x-proxy-global-c...
Hi, I have a success event and with that event, I have an eVar that sets, now the eVar also sets in other places but my intended goal is to check ALL of the times that success event fired and when that success event fired, check to make sure that the eVar successfully was present as well. Just want ...
Hi Everybody,I implemented Adobe in a React Native App and i set this tracking action in the app. I also created the property in Adobe Launch. However, how can I retrieve the values in Launch to forward this information to Adobe Analytics an put it in Evars?Do I need to utilize Adobe Analytics proce...
Hello,I'm working with a client who wants to integrate their Adobe Analytics data into Tableau. I have looked into Daexus but I do not have the admin credentials needed to connect and test it at this time. So before I go asking for higher permissions, I would like to consider all possible options....