Hi, I have created a segment to only show me asset tracking codes if it hits on specific asset tracking codes and nothing else. However, I realized when I tried to dig deeper by dragging asset tracking code dimension under my segment, some of the data is showing "SEO" which is out of the norm and a...
Please confirm if I can do the following with the Analytics API 1.4 OAuth 2.0 redirect to a whitelabel domain e.g. `https://*/some/path/here`Refresh tokens that we can use to get new access tokens as necessary (offline_access scope request errors, but it does return a refresh token without it)
Somehow some of my team's URLs are getting distributed with multiple question marks in them. We have an evar pulling in the entire query string, so I'd like to use that to build a segment based off of that evar to look at this data a bit deeper. However, I'm unsure of how to build a segment that loo...
I see the documentation for filtering link-tracking. Track Links Using the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK | Adobe Experience Platform We want to keep the download links and exit links for automatic links tracking in the WebSDK and disable custom links. We are not finding the custom links helpfu...
I'm creating a custom calculated metric to better understanding engagement activity based on page visits. To achieve this, I've set up a custom metric as follows: Engaged user rate = (link click, download, form start, video view) / total visits Questions: 1. Does this look accurate? Could I be mis...
Hi, Maybe something obvious but I'm fairly new to Adobe Analytics. I'm facing the following issue with segment sharing: For a project, we have set-up a global reporting suite that measures all "national" sites for a brand.For each national site, we have created a virtual reporting suites for users o...
Hello, We built a freeform table with the following elements: Page URL (v12) as a dimension.Video Impressions (event 12) as a metric. We discovered that a page had video impressions while there is no video embedded within the page. When we changed the original dimension on the table for Page URL ...
Hello, I'm trying to understand the consequences of EOL of "Reports & Analytics" in december 2023 on API calls we're doing daily.Does it have an impact on the following endpoint/API ?On API 2.0https://analytics.adobe.io/api/XXX/reportsuites/reportsuites/timezoneshttps://analytics.adobe.io/api/XXX/re...
Recently, we transitioned our team's Power BI dashboards from SharePoint to Adobe Connector 2.0. This all worked fine, except when we uploaded the desktop Pbix files to the web service version of Power BI. After uploading when I refreshed the dataset, it took a ton of time 10+ hours but at the end, ...