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SSO & Email notification links misdirecting users


Level 3
when users receive email notifications from Workfront, if their session has expired and they click on a link to a Workfront work object, they're first taken to the SSO page, then redirected to their landing page (My Work or layout template) instead of the work object. For more frequent Workfront users this is more an irritation than a problem. But for seldom users, this creates much confusion and the perception formed is that the system "isn't working". Workfront has told us that it's got something to do with our firewall or Exchange server settings. Our IT department (who does not support the application) is dismissive. Now that we've been live for 6 months and usage is growing rapidly, we need to get serious about finding a solution to improve user experience. Anyone else experiencing something similar? Any advice for what we specifically need to change? Thanks Meredith Landsmann PMP Analog Devices, Inc.

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3 Replies


Level 10
Yeah, that's a bad experience. I would agree that it probably has something to do with your ADFS (if you use that) or Exchange settings. So you might have to lean on your IT department. The reason I'm giving Workfront a pass on this one is that we use SSO and we don't have that experience. A click on the email brings us directly in to the object. Our SSO works rather well actually. But there have been occasions when I've had to have my ADFS Tech talk with WF. So it might be a combination. I would get a hold of one of your IT folks (whomever does SSO) and see if you can get them on the phone with WF. Once you can get them to connect, it should be an easy configuration setting (either by your IT, or by WF). But yeah it shouldn't function this way. It'll be much better if they can connect and adjust it. Vic Alejandro, PMP, CSM | IT | Sr. Technical Project Manager Denver Water | t: (303-628-7262) | c: (303-319-6473) "http://www.denverwater.org/"> http://www.denverwater.org INTEGRITY | VISION | PASSION | EXCELLENCE | RESPECT


Level 2
I agree with Vic. We have SSO configured, and we do not have this issue. If you click on a link in an email from Workfront, it takes us to the SSO page and then opens the link (not the Workfront homepage). It's possible there is something in the SSO setup that it's quite right or maybe how the browser is interpreting the call after authentication. I would definitely go back to your IT department with this. Peggy Settel Cornell University


Level 7
Hi Meredith, As the others have said, this is indeed a configuration change on your SSO provider's end. Essentially what's happening is we're taking the link in your email, which is just a link to the object itself (task/issue/project/etc) and forwarding it to your SSO provider, asking for the user to be authenticated. What should happen here is that the SSO provider should just provide an authentication token and send it back with the original URL, but it sounds like what's *actually* happening is it's just redirecting back to the login page, which since the user is already logged in, is defaulting to their home page. If you can get in touch with your IT folks that manage your SSO provider, you can call into our customer care team, open a ticket, and arrange a call with our SSO experts. Thanks! Dustin Martin Tier 2 Assigned Support Engineer Workfront