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Quick Tip: You can add a column to a project view to see the total number of issues in each project.



To see the total number of issues in each project, add the following text mode code to a blank column in your view:

valuefield= totalOpTaskCount



displayname=Total Issues


querysort= totalOpTaskCount

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11 Replies


Level 10

Hi @Kyna Baker - inactive‚

I tested the above text code in project ad task view, but not visible. Could you please help by rechecking this?




Community Advisor

I use this field on my own Project Reports and can confirm it works as a project view column. You can try adding one more line to it but it shouldn't make a difference



Level 10

Thanks @Monique Evans‚ and @Kyna Baker - inactive‚

It works, can we add a condition such as to highlight with colour if no. of issues are more than 1.

Also, condition such as only active issues for example.





I'm glad you got it to work Kundan. This will only work in a project view, not a task view, so I'm glad you tested it again.



Level 10

Hi @Kyna Baker - inactive‚

Any recommendation, how can we add a condition such as to highlight with color if no. of issues are more than 1.

Also, condition such as only active issues for example.





Hi Kundan,

You can add a column rule to your totalOpTaskCount column, and do that in text mode to get those conditional formatting to show up.

If you want to see the open issues, just use the Number of Open Issues field, which doesn't require text mode.



Level 1

@Kyna Baker - inactive‚ I am loving your Quick Tip posts! Keep them coming cause they have been helpful.

I do have a question in using totalOpTaskCount. I will like to only count the issues in a project that have a Parent Topic Group. My client wants to know the % of issues that are arising from a specific topic group. In valueexpression= , I was trying to use an IF(<parentTopicGroup>="Problem",SUM.... but cant get it to work.




Level 5

@Kyna Baker - inactive‚ Thanks for this! It is very helpful.

To go one step further, can I aggregate the average number of issues in a grouping? (by year and month, for example)



Hi Cathy,

I tried to ask people smarter than me for help and they had a couple of questions/thoughts.

You can “group” by year or month, but that won’t give you an average. It will give you exactly all the issues in that grouping based on a date. For example, you can group on the Entry Date field by month and see groupings of all the issues with Entry Dates in the same month. But you're not going to see an average of anything.

Does that help? If not it would be nice if you could explain what you're trying to do in more detail. An example of a report you would like to see would be helpful so we can give some suggestions.

Thank you!



Level 5

Hi @Kyna Baker - inactive‚ I have created an Issues report that shows the number of Issues that were reported on Completed projects.


Project>>Status = Complete


Project>>Actual Completion Date (Year)

Project>>Actual Complete Due (Month of Year)


It is showing me only the projects that had issues filed on them, but what I really want is a report that will show me ALL completed projects, along with the number of issue that were filed on each project (which may be zero in some cases). From that, I want to calculate the Average Number of Issues for the completed projects, and be able to chart that.

I envision it would look this screenshot, which is the chart from my Issues report, showing the total number of issues on completed projects - but instead of "Record Count" it would be the Average Number of Issues.




Cathy, thanks for the details you provided, they really help. I got some more help from smarter people than myself!

Here are some thoughts:

First of all, an issue report is based on issue objects. That sounds obvious, but here’s what it means for your report. Of all the issue objects that the filter allows to be a part of your report, additional information associated with those issues can be displayed. So the project name and actual completion date of a project is only available for issues that the filter lets into your report. Therefore, a project with no issues won’t have any issues to represent it in the report.

What this means is that if you want to see projects with no issues you need to create a project report. There are a few good things about doing this.

1. You can see projects with no issues

2. You can see the total issue count for each project

3. You can see the average number of issues per project

Unfortunately, you can’t chart the average number of issues, but you can see the averages in the grouping bar. Here’s an example. Note that we are using the totalOpTaskCount field to get the total number of issues logged for each project. You’ll need to access this field using Text Mode.
