Hi @ElizaBa -
1. hyperlink the results - this is not possible with collections since it's returning multiple results into a single column. There are a few nuisances with collection reporting since it's a one to many relationship.
2. Filter for only active: Update your valuefield to a value expression and use this code. Each status in your system has a 3 letter code that identifies it. You'll want to update this to represent your systems systems code for "active/current" projects. In mine it's CUR but in others I've seen it can vary (things like INP) so check the setup of your system if you aren't familiar. If you want to do multiple statuses then you'll have to do a larger expression with multiple IFs or adding in Ands and Ors
valueexpression=IF({status}="your 3 letter code for status",{name})
Multiple statuses
Condition operators in calculated custom expressions | Adobe Workfront
3. To get collections to display in line change the listdelimiter to something else
listdelimiter=<p> |
This is the delimiter which is used to separate the values in your list. We recommend to use <p> which adds a line break between the values.
You can also use the following:
‍ (zero-width joiner). The values of the collection have no separation between them. , =comma separator. The values of the collection are separated by a comma followed by no space. / = slash separator. The values of the collection are separated by a slash. - = dash separator. The values of the collection are separated by a dash. Leaving this line empty adds a comma followed by a space between the values of the collection, by default.
Reference collections in a report | Adobe Workfront