Hi community, we have a custom field in a task custom form to capture notes. Is there a way to only display the last xxxx number of characters entered, and not the whole content entered in the field? as more notes get entered, it is getting quite long when it displays in a report.I know how to do t...
Hi all. I didn't find this in the help topics. Wondering if the community could help. I have a report prompt and I need to use this to prompt for more than one item. Is there a way to prompt for multiple items in a prompt (maybe in contains)? I have tried using a comma and other indicators betw...
I don't know why this isn't available, maybe it is and I'm overlooking something. Overall though, it's a great disservice to our teams that we cannot create custom statuses for subgroups. The alternatives are applying the statuses they need to everyone as a whole (which is messy and confusing) or cr...
Hi All,We are on a very old licence type (like At-Task old LOL) and will be changing over at the end of this year. Our current plan does not include proof licenses for all users and we only have 20 users with proof licenses. When we switch over, our CSM let me know that the 'Generate Proof Automatic...
We're looking to get a better handle on projects that have been open too long (started but dragging or incomplete potentially due to resource constraints). Is it possible to build a report that:looks at the date when Project Status was changed to CURRENTthen reports on any projects that are still CU...
I've checked. everything and we should be okay (language wise) and all other related calendars are fine. I've also tried other browsers with the same results. Help!!!
I may have asked this before, but I can't find it via search, so my apologies i I am asking again. We're looking to switch to very well designed InDesign (PDF) documentation to an easier-to-use Wiki-based system (or some other similar idea; open to suggestions). Looking for suggestions. Some of the ...