Anyone else experiencing queue topics disappearing? I didn't see anything in known issues but before I reach out to support, I want to see if anyone is experiencing it or has experienced it in the past. We have a request form on a project used to reserve equipment. We created queue topics and everyt...
As of this am, we are experiencing issues where only 5 of our 12 statuses are showing on Issues when a user selects them. This led to concern the statuses had been deleted. Turns out, if you scroll down on your mouse wheel, there's a little page hiccup and then the remaining statuses beyond the init...
I am compiling a user report to use determine the proper access level, layout template and proof license based on job role and group. I am able to get everything I need except the proof permissions profile. Does anyone know if this is possible?
Will a WORK liicense suffice to be able to create a project from a template? Y or N AND Name all possible licenses (PLAN, WORK, REVIEWER, etc.) that enables this sort of permission.
So in my company we're a small group of three system admins. Today we were talking through the logistics of a scenario to archive custom form data in closed objects by uploading the custom form as a PDF on closure through Fusion (goal is to prevent any future data loss through deprecation of fields ...
I have a scenario where we want to watch an email box for requests incoming and convert them to a project in workfront. I have the watch email box part figured out and can create a project after the email has triggered the scenario. I'm stuck on getting the email that triggered the flow attached to ...
Hello Community, I also put this on the Job Board, but I wanted to put it here as well! Deloitte is looking to add to our Workfront team, and we are looking to add this person quick! Take a look at the link if interested, which will provide more answers:
When I have 2 "and" filters for planned completion date -- one that is greater than July 1 and one that is less than July 31, the filter automatically deletes the "greater than" statement and so I am left with all projects from the dawn of time through July 31. I can't find any documentation on how ...