Hi All, I'm creating a proof review approvals report and I'm trying to get the project name that I got to display, to become a direct link to the project. This is what I have so far: displayname=Projectlink.value=textmode=truevaluefield=documentVersion:document:project:namevalueformat=HTML ...
Been trying to create what should be a simple or common report, but oddly enough i'm not seeing the fields needed. Scenario and Logic: We typically have many people listed as assigned to a single a task with their respective planned hours, which neatly rolls up a sum of their planned hours to th...
We work strictly from pre-built templates, with job roles assigned to tasks. Once the request is converted to a project, the job roles get staffed. There are times when that step is accidentally missed so the project sits and isn't on anyone's active task list. How can I easily see if a project didn...
Can you restrict access to the workflows on the Proofing website? For example, I want to create profiles for group administrators so they can manage their own workflows.
I am creating a report that shows a value chosen from a custom field (drop down menu). That custom form has values showing that don't match the drop down selection (for example - it shows designer name on the drop down and the value is their ID). The report is defaulting to showing the value, is t...
If I indicate in my personal "Time Off" that I'll be gone certain dates, I don't see that show up in the Workload Balancer. And it still shows I have 8 hours of capacity on my days off. Shouldn't it be indicating that I'm not available to work those dates?
I have been able to get a percentage calculation by dividing the values in the hours column by 35 in the Utilization Percentage column, but would like to add all those up to get a total percentage. I'm relatively new to text mode and tried to Frankenstein things together from other columns. Does a...
Every week we review all the open requests as a group and I show a report on my screen for us to look at. My problem is I can't organize them in a way that makes sense. When I do it by Queue Topic it lists all the sub-topics separately and they aren't all together and they don't alphabetize properly...
Recently our team has noticed that the Predecessor/Successor icon has gone missing from the Task header. Does anyone have any insight on this? Is there a way that we can get this back on the header for tasks? I've attached the image of the icon that's missing and where it was originally located.