One column has the ownerID and the other column has the lastUpdatedByID. I want to create a text filter that compares the value and only displays if they are not equal. It is an hour report Here is my text filterhours=0hours_Mod=nelastUpdatedByID=FIELD:ownerIDlastUpdatedByID_Mod=cine When it runs,...
I am attempting to create a project-plan template that will ask the project manager for a 'product go-live' date, and it will then auto-populate dates for tasks that occur before this event (such as a kick-off call and product setup), but also auto-populate the dates for certain tasks that will happ...
Hello, I am trying to create a scenario Webhook which triggers after a new request is "approved" / a default approval process is finished. Does anyone have any idea how to achieve this? If I can elaborate more please let me know. Thank you
Hi! I am pulling a task report on Adobe Workfront. I've created a grouping for Project Name but I don't want the text "Project: Name:" to show up in the grouping. Is there a way I can remove the text and continue to have the name of the project in the grouping? Thanks in advance!
Hi Is there a way to run a report to show the users(Admins/Group Admins) who have logged in as other users? I have tried searching for the "log In As" field and can't find it. Maybe I'm selecting the wrong report type?
Does anyone have any insight or experience with enabling the Reminder Notifications, or can suggest any qualifying periods, timing, and criteria that have worked for you? There's a push within our organization to trigger more reminder type notifications, specifically with the Projected Start/Comple...
When using the "Parent" Field in a Task View it displays the project name when the task is a parent task. We're aiming to display "Parent Task" when the "Parent" field matches the project name, indicating it is a parent task. Otherwise, it should display the task name, indicating it's a child task. ...
Hello, I'm trying to build a basic task report that will pull all tasks that were completed after the planned completion date. Essentially actualCompletionDate > plannedCompletionDate. However, I want to exclude the time from the calculation. I tried playing with the CLEARTIME, but I was unsuccessfu...
As an organization, we encounter many scenarios where process needs to deviate for some reason or another. We work in an industry that is heavily regulated and audited and need to ensure that there is consistency in process flows and approvals. How does an organization account for variations in ...