UPDATE: if you'd like to quickly create baselines across multiple projects, check out the offer at the top of www.atappstore.com between now and the end of the year.
Hi Folks,
I'm doing some research on visualizing "Baseline Drift" and would like to connect with anyone who has been taking multiple baselines over time, whether:
If you'd like join me in general discussion here, you're welcome to share your how's and why's on this thread, and/or if you'd like to go deeper and learn about my visualization research, email me at doug.denhoed@atappstore.com.
Hi Doug -
We've struggled with some of the limitations of the current baseline functionality within Workfront. In general my perspective is that if we don't capture the baseline "automatically", then we cannot count on it being done for reporting purposes. (we have lots of evidence to support this)
A while back we rolled out a Fusion automation to capture baselines when specific key tasks were completed. This has enabled us to more consistently capture baselines. We built logic into Fusion to determine which of the baselines was "default" based on the task that is marked complete; the Fusion scenario is triggered based on changes to the task record.
We also recently started capturing a baseline for active projects on a weekly and monthly basis via a scheduled Fusion scenario.
I've included screenshots from both scenarios below for reference.
To your larger question, it would be awesome to compare changes over time in a consolidated report. Our current approach uses the task completion to ensure we get an "original" baseline and then can track changes over time. It would be great to quickly filter the data to what is interesting and be able to compare baselines to each other and to current in reports.
Fusion triggered based on task changes (the below are the 2 modules that relate to baseline creation)
The nightly fusion job to capture weekly and monthly baselines.
Excellent points @Jason_JB,
In parallel with this thread, Jason and I have been collaborating on our new Multi Baseline Report, which I mentioned during today's Adobe Workfront Connect: Admin Chat for Marketing & Creative session. We'll be releasing it to our catalog soon along with a video (both of which I'll then update with links, here), but in the meantime, here's a sneak peek of what it looks like:
I will definitely be attending the Sept 18 Baseline session that @CynthiaBoon kindly offered to organize, and (to formalize what I mentioned during the chat in today's session) invite those interested in easily and automatically creating Baselines NOW -- at no charge, for the remainder of the year -- so that they can then put them to good use LATER (whether with Workfront native reports, or our Multi Baseline Report, as above) to contact me either on this post or via doug.denhoed@atappstore.com prior between now and that Sept 18 Baseline session.
Thanks again @CynthiaBoon for inviting me to this morning's just concluded SysAdmin session to chat about Baselines.
To recap:
If folks have comments, ideas or questions, I'd be happy to field them here, too.
Hi @Doug_Den_Hoed__AtAppStore - Thank you for sharing the Baseline+ solutions. After installation, I am receiving {"error":{"message":"You are not currently logged in."}} when I run the dashboard in WF. Do you know what I am doing wrong or what is missing?
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Hi @StephanieL_MTC,
Mmm...a You Are Not Logged In error suggests that the Baseline+ dashboard isn't picking up your current user information (via the SESSSION part of the URL in the dashboard), so I wonder if the URL of that Baseline+ dashboard might not be quite right, so have typed in what it should be below, which I invite you to compare against yours.
Please let me know how you make out, and if you're still having trouble, I'd be happy to hop on a quick call to help straighten it out.
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