I would like to seek advice from the community on how to proceed when we are expecting more than 2000 bundles in the Workfront Search module, considering that the Search module has a limit of only 2000 bundles. Any recommendations or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I'll do my best to describe what the workflow would look like. Scenerio 1 - A request will be submitted via WF and be converted to a task. From there I would like to create embedded requests within that newly created task if specific fields are NOT blank and map just the fields associated with thos...
We are building an integration between Google Drive and AEM using Fusion. We have used the google drive module infusion to get files from google drive using "search for files/folders". We are able to get the files if we are provides the exact location of folders and subfolders in "List of folders" i...
Hi folks. I have a scenario that is creating a set of projects based on 1 of 4 templates based on filters, and I'm setting the overall project end date based on a campaign end date plus x days so the workflow can also build in x weeks to turn around post-campaign analysis.However the launch date of ...
Hi Fusion community,Is it possible to reference a specific array value from a previous module's operational output?For example:If a Set Variable module has the Split function applied to a field, and the output results is 3 separate values, is it possible in a subsequent module to reference only resu...
Hi Fusion community,Does anyone know if it's possible to convert a text value (10/1/2023) to a date, and then format it to be MM-YYYY? Looking to do this in Fusion, but having trouble with my Set Variable module. Thanks,Nick
I am entering the following in 'Date Format Function' FormatDate("023-07-17T13:00:00.000Z"; "MM/DD/YYYY") in my filter. The errors I am getting includeThe bundle did not pass through the filter because of an error. Failed to evaluate filter '0-2': Function 'formatDate' finished with error! '023-07-1...
I'm attempting to trigger the "Watch Events" module when the portfolio is changed during new project creation or afterwards. However, the trigger does not activate when an update occurs. How can I make this work?Trigger when Portfolio is updated:Watch Events:
I'm mapping 3 separate pick list fields from our DAM tool into a single field pick list in Workfront. I've been able to split the values (which come from the webhook as a unique ID and are mapped to their Workfront value) switch the values for the Workfront values and then combine them successfully....