I worked around this by creating a custom calculated field on my projects. It provided me with a status sorting number that I could use to sort my report and then I could hide the column.
example: IF({status}="PLN","1",IF({status}="CUR","2"))
I'm not sure why it's doing it but if you change the end date to be a value expression with text mode it doesn't change on export.
@skyehansen - is correct - Some fields like Company, Program and Portfolio are not inline editable on a report. From what I've seen, anything listed as "not groupable" in the Workfront API can't be inline edited on a report.
Best bet is to bulk edit.
With the newest updates to the Learn area for Workfront, I'm wondering if anyone has put together any training plans to make the data a more cohesive flow.
Getting to know Workfront
Workfront for Workers
Workfront for Planners
Workfront for Admins
Workfront for collaborators/requesters/...
Found the documentation link where I read this: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/workfront/using/basics/use-notifications/wf-notifications#reminder-notifications
If the deadline changes after a user receives a reminder notification, the user doesn’t receive another reminder notification.
Unfortunately, there isn't a control to edit the daily digests in that way.
Each notifications section in your My Settings panel generates its own daily digest email. You can have as many daily digest emails every day as notification settings that are enabled for daily digest emails.
Hi Emma - I'm going to move this to the ideas area. The Product team monitors that area for improvement suggestions. I haven't heard of this yet, but I know they are doing a lot with AI. Maybe they'll have some announcements at Adobe Summit for it.
It is true that Risks and Financial data are tied in Workfront. Risks will inherently affect the project's finances, so I see the correlation.
There is a workaround though. You could provide view access to the financial data which (according to documentation) would then allow access to view the f...