You had a few things formatted incorrectly. Try this:
<p>Hello $$assignedTo:firstName$$</p>
<p>You are assigned to work on a remediation commitment for $$project:name$$ <b><a href="https://<capitalonestress>$$ID$$">$$name$$</a></b>, which is due on $$estComple...
It sounds like they have custom terminology set up in their layout templates. There isn't a way to report on layout template properties, so I've created documentation for it. Something like this is simple enough. You could put this into a project in Workfront to capture the info and then report on i...
Less is more. Think about roles within the tool - Worker, Planner, Executive. Then, guide users on how they can customize their workspaces with pins, etc.
Adding of Template Tasks once a certain task has been completed or task approval made, allowing for different directions of the project based on previous actions.
This would be great to help with iterations within the waterfall project lifecycle, which is a gap in functionality for some clients. ...
You can use nested if statements to do this.
valueexpression=IF({entryDate}<{DE:Original Request Date},WEEKDAYDIFF({entryDate},$$TODAY),IF({DE:Original Request Date}<{entryDate},WEEKDAYDIFF({DE:Original Request Date},$$TODAY)))
I worked around this by creating a custom calculated field on my projects. It provided me with a status sorting number that I could use to sort my report and then I could hide the column.
example: IF({status}="PLN","1",IF({status}="CUR","2"))
I'm not sure why it's doing it but if you change the end date to be a value expression with text mode it doesn't change on export.
@skyehansen - is correct - Some fields like Company, Program and Portfolio are not inline editable on a report. From what I've seen, anything listed as "not groupable" in the Workfront API can't be inline edited on a report.
Best bet is to bulk edit.
With the newest updates to the Learn area for Workfront, I'm wondering if anyone has put together any training plans to make the data a more cohesive flow.
Getting to know Workfront
Workfront for Workers
Workfront for Planners
Workfront for Admins
Workfront for collaborators/requesters/...