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Automated email notifications for upcoming tasks


Level 2

Hi, I'm looking to automate email notifications for upcoming incomplete tasks due (once 30 days before due date, again 7 days before due date) to be sent to the Assignee(s). I've been trying to accomplish this through the Email Notifications on Workfront. I tested this but it was unsuccessful. Not sure if I need to adjust any other settings or if my code is incorrect? My current code is below:


<p>Hello $$assignedTo:firstName$$,</p>
<p>You are assigned to work on a remediation commitment for <td>$$project:name$$</td> , <b><ahref=https://<capitalonestress>.my.workfront.com/task/view?ID=$$ID$$">$$name$$</a></b>, which is due on $$estCompletionDate$$. Once complete, please close out the Task in Workfront.</p>
<td><b>Task Name:</b></td>
<td><b>Project Name:</b></td>
<td><b>Who is assigned to:</b></td>
<td><b>When it's due:</b></td>



1 Reply


Community Advisor

You had a few things formatted incorrectly. Try this:


<p>Hello $$assignedTo:firstName$$</p>
<p>You are assigned to work on a remediation commitment for $$project:name$$ <b><a href="https://<capitalonestress>.my.workfront.com/task/view?ID=$$ID$$">$$name$$</a></b>, which is due on $$estCompletionDate$$. Once complete, please close out the Task in Workfront.</p>
<table width="350" style="font-size:12px;">
<td><b>Task Name:</b></td>
<td><b>Project Name:</b></td>
<td><b>Who is assigned to:</b></td>
<td><b>When it's due:</b></td>



If this doesn't work, it might be helpful to see the output and what didn't work to better troubleshoot.