Hello,I want to set the DITA Open Toolkit parameter "validate" to "false" during PDF generation. How can I accomplish this in the PDF output preset?I have tried setting DITA-OT Command Line Arguments to --validate=false but get an error because the output preset generates the output via Ant instead ...
I'm suddenly receiving an error message when trying to open a topic or ditamap via FrameMaker 16.04 connecting to AEM 4.01 via the connection manager. Connection to AEM is successful, but opening of topic/ditamap is not. I can connect to another AEM server instance and topics/ditamaps open without f...
When we send files from AEM Assets to Phrase TMS via translation connector, the translation projects that we created within AEM shows the each file with complete path along with folder structure and everything. but in TMS, it just shows the filename only. is there a way we can send the complete path...
Hi We have a usecase where in we will have to convert the file extension from filename.xml/filename.dita (topic file) to filename.custom (custom extension) when we send it to TMS via translation connector. And we wanted to convert it back to filename.xml/filename.dita DITA topic post translation.
Hi, I have this source xml in a ditamap to be imported into Guides: <topicref format="href" href="/app-catalog/example" scope="external"> <topicmeta> <linktext>Example text</linktext> </topicmeta> </topicref> This content is not...
FMPS does not seem to be processing index terms correctly. When the index terms are placed in the prolog, a blank link is generated in the PDF output that appears above the topic title. When the index terms are embedded within the text, the indexterms are processed like a carriage return was placed ...
Hi, In Cloud Manager we've deployed a dev environment using the "aem-project-archetype". I've also deployed the "com.adobe.fmdita-aemaacs-2022.11.198.zip" for Guides package, a custom DITA-OT.zip package and some Dita file content. I've also updated the Guides profile Schema with new custom dita pat...
Hi, I am trying to generate AEM site from ditamap, but the site generation is getting failed because of OutofMemory Error. In DITA OT Profiles, I even increased memory allocation from 1024m to 3072m. Also increased the AEM heap space , but still the same error. @DivrajSingh @AswiniLakshminarayana...