hi, With respect to AEM GUIDES, SMART Tagging feature is not available OOB. Pl refer below screenshot both yellow highlighted and red encircled. Help needed to apply SMART Tags…to the DITA Topics. Also it would be great, if the differences of functionality that is available and ...
In the XML Editor, why is Cut and Copy listed in the right-click context-sensitive popup menu, but no Paste?I always use the keyboard, but one of my technical writers uses more mouse options and noticed Paste was missing.Paste was missing in v4.0.2.10 and is still missing in v4.2.
All three of us, using different browsers, have noticed that the 8 on the keypad does not work in the Author view of the XML Editor, but does work in the Source view and everywhere else. AEM Guides v4.2On Prem Installation
Hi AEM Community, AEM Guides supports creating output in the most popular formats like AEM Site, PDF, HTML5, EPUB, JSON, and custom output through DITA-OT, Native PDF, and FMPS. I want to export my output as pptx and docx. Is there any way to do so?@frameexpert, @DivrajSingh, @VivekKumar, @punagpal...
How can I use the contents of the otherprops attribute (applied to a map) or the contents of the <data-about><data>123456</data></data-about> element (also within the map) in the PDF output?Example:<map otherprops="123456" id="GUID-67df857b-c67f-4706-ac81-08c33093cf94-en_us"><title>Map for Testing S...
Hi AEM Community, I am new to Guides and currently doing a POC on setting up simple DITA implementation wherein we generate a PDF using DITA Template. I have installed AEM Guides 4.2 from the software distribution and got access to the Guides in Navigation.I have created a new folder "Test PDF Templ...
Having created several DITA topic and map templates I assumed those templates would be available in the list of templates when I create a new topic or new map. Is there something beyond creating the template that I need to do in order for the system to add them to the list of available templates? Sa...
If i created 2 version of a topic i need to generate unique id for both version that i have created . so that i can able to link particular version of a topic to desired location.
Hi All, Can you please help me understand why the changes I made in the topic and published via Asset UI are not reflecting in the publish server URL?Is there something that I am missing? Thanks,