Hello, Good Day!I am looking for a public website which uses a AEM Dynamic Media with 3d Assets to test its effectiveness over the site. (My client is considering the use of AEM Dynamic Media for 3d Assets and I want to study it)Does anyone knows any site which has the same implementation? If yes pl...
Steps to reproduceDownload any pdf asset from author.Extract the downloaded zip asset.Modify the Author, Subject & Keywords fields of the downloaded PDF.Click on Create button on top right, select Files & re upload same file whose metadata fields are updated in step 2Once you submit the PDF file, it...
Hi,jcr:lastModifiedBy and jcr:lastModified is not getting updated on the original/jcr:content node whenever we update the json file of DAM Asset. I checked all the permissions also JCR Observation Listeners are correctly configured, Verfied Resource Type, Getting the correct user id from session, al...
Hello everyone - I am doing some work with AEM Guides, customizing the workflow but I am encountering NullPointerException on Create Review tasks. I'd appreciate your help. Here's some info:Reference: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-guides/using/install-guide/cs-ig/cust...
AEM 6.5.21 (on-prem)AEM Guides v4.6 (on-prem, UUID) GlossariesWhen including glossaries and glossary entries in topics, the glossaries do generate correctly and the glossary entry links generate in the Native PDF Publishing PDF correctly, but the glossSurfaceForm and glossAcronym do not. With multip...
I have three translation Projects in "Committed for Translation" and not flowing into our TMS for translation. Now that I have confirmed the language mapping is correct (it wasn't), is there a way to push these files from "committed for translation" to "in process" without having to create entirely ...
Every time I try to access Adobe Sign, it just says something went wrong (screenshot attached). Is this happening for everyone or is this an issue on my end?
Does anyone know of a way where we can either set up AEM or use external software to help us do the following A way to document when a page's content has been last changed (beyond just a typo fix). Perhaps the author could leave notes in a log what they changed.Send reminders to certain people we de...
Hi,I am currently exploring the AEM Guides feature.Regarding task creation, I understand that there is an out-of-the-box (OOTB) workflow that sends a notification to the reviewer once the review task is created.However, I need help with the reverse process. Is there any documentation about a workflo...