Hi We have a usecase where in we will have to convert the file extension from filename.xml/filename.dita (topic file) to filename.custom (custom extension) when we send it to TMS via translation connector. And we wanted to convert it back to filename.xml/filename.dita DITA topic post translation.
Hi, I have this source xml in a ditamap to be imported into Guides: <topicref format="href" href="/app-catalog/example" scope="external"> <topicmeta> <linktext>Example text</linktext> </topicmeta> </topicref> This content is not...
FMPS does not seem to be processing index terms correctly. When the index terms are placed in the prolog, a blank link is generated in the PDF output that appears above the topic title. When the index terms are embedded within the text, the indexterms are processed like a carriage return was placed ...
Hi, In Cloud Manager we've deployed a dev environment using the "aem-project-archetype". I've also deployed the "com.adobe.fmdita-aemaacs-2022.11.198.zip" for Guides package, a custom DITA-OT.zip package and some Dita file content. I've also updated the Guides profile Schema with new custom dita pat...
Hi, I am trying to generate AEM site from ditamap, but the site generation is getting failed because of OutofMemory Error. In DITA OT Profiles, I even increased memory allocation from 1024m to 3072m. Also increased the AEM heap space , but still the same error. @DivrajSingh @AswiniLakshminarayana...
Hello, posting here since no response under Sites. We're new to AEM and recently deployed aem-project-archetype. Once the Cloud Manager site was up and running, I uploaded and installed packages copied from a different running/working environment "com.adobe.fmdita-aemaacs-2022.11.198-cp2fm-converted...
Hi all, I have a requirement to add x-cq-linkchecker attribute to an anchor tag conditionally (basically on the basis of the option selected by author in dialog). I am aware that to add this attribute in /apps/cq/xssprotection/config.xml. Following is the xml entry in anchor tag:<attribute name="x...
Hello -- When running the production pipeline to update to version 2023.2.235 of AEM Guides as a Cloud Service, I receive the following error: Failed to execute goal com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin:1.12.0:npm (npm run prod) on project aemaacs-dox-project-ui-frontend: Failed to run task:...
Hi All, Is it possible to add text component withing pages generated by AEM Guides? How can we add a link in Guides pages, which opens AEM custom form to get user data? Thanks,