Hi, We are trying to deliver 2-3 changes on same page through 2-3 different activity.Activity 1 - changing link to button is liveActivity 2 - changes different link textActivity 3- changing div content with image and textAll 3 have different selectors.But while testing with QA URL, I observed Activi...
Hi, Is there a simple way to temporarily disable all target activities for single page or session in any browser? Dev team wants to test same thing which we are delivering through Target and they are asking to disable it but the same activity is running for all in production environment.
I'm working on a Marketing Page which I can only deploy using personalisation via Adobe Target. I know this isn't the best environment to run things like Three.JS in. But I'm still trying to make this work. So I have a React App in which I'm using GSAP and ThreeJS and React Three Fiber to render a 3...
Can someone please explain the differences in these certifications (other than experience level outlined here https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/certification/program/technical-certifications/at/at-overview) Adobe Target Business Practitioner ProfessionalAdobe Target Business Practitioner Ex...
I am running an A/B test in Adobe Target with a 50/50 traffic split configuration. However, upon reviewing the data, I noticed that the actual split is 49.8% (variant) vs. 50.5% (control)—a difference of approximately 0.7%.I would like to understand:Is this level of deviation (~0.7%) considered norm...
Hi Target experts1.Is the Adobe Target billing based on the MBox fires on the site or the page views of the entire site (which we can get from Adobe Analytics) 2.Would running more Target experiments increase the server call usage Thanks
We have more and more customer using the Fluter Development Platform for their Mobile Apps. The lack of OOTB supported integration is a blocker to adoption of Target on Mobile and even a deterrer for using Target company wide (as most companies would want to use the same optimisation solution across...
Hello, I want to create an adobe Target audience that relies on the URL of an external ad that a customer has clicked. I.e Customer clicks on a google ad for a particular piece of clothing and leads to my webpage, where the customer then sees that the webpage has been tailored to show that piece of ...
Hi All, We are trying to create activity changing text related with <svg> tag but it's breaking the functionality of it.it looks like to me that it's kind of runtime thing and changes to it breaks the communication of existing code. Is there any work around for this?
In consulting, we frequently face challenges as technology develops and becomes more complex. As technology matures, sometimes there is a greater need to debug and troubleshoot issues that derail expected functionality. It’s one of the most common challenges that we see within consulting, and it’s c...