I'm attempting to create a Redirector as per this documentation: Work with redirectors , upon following the instruction no Redirector mbox is being created in my Adobe Taget mbox list.My Redirector URL is as follows:https://optisightsps.tt.omtrdc.net/m2/optisightsps/ubox/page?mbox=redirectorlink_4...
I have an Adobe Target Form based AB test which is used on a Single page Angular application.I want to be able to track conversion on the SPA.I have presumed that I ned to call triggerView() within the application to let AT know when the views are changing.How do add a goal to track the view changes...
Hi,I want to create experience testing for 2 different regions. One will be default view and for other experience I want to fetch the readily available other sets of authored pages from AEM sites. So many question is, is there a way to directly fetch those readily available pages to Adobe Target fro...
Hi everyone,I have Adobe Target configured with Scene7. When I set up an Activity with an image stored in the Image Offers, the URL of the image becomes as follows and it returns the "Unable to find image file." message.http://smartimaging.scene7.com/is/image/null?tm=null&fit=constrain&hei=80&wid=81...
Is there a way to get the count of impressions of a particular experience/offer (part of an XT activity) rendered to the visitor via Adobe Target, in Adobe Analytics? I want to create a suppression segment in Audience Manager based on the impression count from Adobe Target/Analytics.
Does the Traffic Estimator Tool for automated personalization activities in Target exist anywhere outside of the tool? I ask because, currently, it seems like you have to manually create additional offers to just calculate how many offers a page (or group of pages) can reasonably support. As an anal...
Hi,What is the purpose/use of integrating adobe target with adobe campaign?In document it is given that, "use adobe campaign to generate targeted email using data created in target". But same thing can be achieved only using adobe campaign right. (For example, sending different offers emails for mal...
We’re running a Target experience targeting (XT) activity. We show 5 different hero images to 5 different audience based on industry. The default control version receives 2,336 avg daily visitors, but the industry specific experiences get much, much lower counts. We want to answer the question, how ...
I have been experimenting with Recommendations on our site for a while now but looking to move into Rec's within email. The part I am struggling with is if there is a way to determine the parameter to base Rec's on from offline information. Ex: I am marketing to a list of customers that have partici...