Hi Guys,I am using an Adobe Recommendation based on the People Who Viewed This, Viewed That Algorithm. I am actually surprised to see pages I have already visited recommended. I can see my previous pages correctly recorded in my $profile (user.viewedEntities) Is this expected? My workaround would be...
I am using JSON Offer to manupulate the webpage. I use getOffers and applyOffers functions to show what I retrieved from Target to users. I also listen to a specific action that will be reported to the Target, like clicking a button. If this button is clicked I call trackEvent function to report use...
Hi, When comparing impressions on a user level there seems to be a lot of impressions that were not present on the visit. Perhaps impressions are cached or another problem behind the scenes? Is there a way to change this setting so that we only capture those impressions on the current view.
Hi Guys,I am using a Criteria based on:Recommendation Key: PopularityRecommendation Logic: Most ViewedI am also using additional inclusion rules for language and content type-> Less than 10 items from the catalog actually qualify.In the Design, I am facing some weird behaviors: $entities.size() ...
Team,I'm working Sample Bus Booking Android APP using Android Studio IDEBased on these Instruction: Add Adobe Target's VEC Everything Goes Well I've Configured all required extension on Launch and I'm getting all network call with required values.I've reached the Step 18:After the App has loaded, sw...
Hi community, i'm working on a Poc of adobe Target, but i'm stuck on VEC connection to my app, i don't know if i misunderstood the documentation because i don't able to connect to VEC, i've followed the steps on documentation and not mention explicit if this is enough to get the connection that i wa...
I have installed Adobe target V2 extension with at.js version 2.2.0 in adobe launch .I also have written rule in adobe launch and did “load target” and “fire global mbox” .A4T configuration is done and working fine .I have also created an A/B test activity .However when I load the page(where launch ...
Hi,We have to run an activity in which the criteria is "top Sellers". We have to show this recommendation on Home page. According to documentation mbox data has to be passed. My query is, what all mbox paramteres have to be passed and on which pages.
I have implemented target recommendations to show products and it works just fine.I now want to implement another recommendation not showing products, but other elements (e.g. Categories or Blog posts). How am I able to do that? I guess there must be another feed including all these elements?Thanks...