Hi there. I found a couple of similar questions from 2-3 years back. But I think my question is a little different. We are looking to accommodate Target Activities of different initiatives and structure within the same page. For example, 1) banner section is changed based on previous page content of...
Issue 1: Tried to do a POST via postman to confirm the error we see in AEM: https://mc.adobe.io/<<tenant ID>>/target/activities/xt?includeMarketingCloudMetadata=truewith request body as mentioned in api doc https://developers.adobetarget.com/api/#create-xt-activity Method: POST Headers: [{"key":"Co...
Hi After upgrading Adobe Target to version 2.3 we no longer have access to 'browserWidth' which we used to create an audience. So i read that i had to setup a page parameter in Adobe Launch, where i passed 'window.innerWidth' to Target. In the debugger extension i can see that under the "execute" p...
Have a few questions on custom attributes -Max time the data can last – default is 14 days, can be extended to 90. Is it possible to extend to 180 days?When uploading the same file again, should the "time for which the data is active for" refresh? We found that nothing happens if the file is exactly...
Is it possible to utilize the category affinity algorithm across more than one attribute? Currently I have category affinity configured to retrieve the page category name (e.g. - scarves, t-shirts, bedsheets, coats). However, I'd like to know if there is a way that I can be a bit more granular with ...
I'd like to personalize my website where the hero heading of my homepage will dynamically change if the visitor clicks on one of my paid advertisements on Google. For example, suppose my paid ad contains :"New Cars - Compare Specs, Pricing & MPG", similar to this paid advertisement by ford. If the v...
Hi Adobe Target Community, Does anyone know how would go about getting a trend report for the number of activities broken down by type? We have A4T and Adobe Analytics but I cannot figure out how to get a simple metric like this. Any suggestions? A/B TestExperience TargetingRecommendations
Is it possible to request the entities that belong to certain criteria. For example request 10 entities that belong to "Most viewed products from across the site" criteria?
I have a forms experience setup on me homepage using the global mbox. I've setup click tracking but I'm not seeing the metrics aggregate in reporting. I have a backup metric that counts pageviews of the pages where the links go. So I know users are seeing these pages but the clicks aren't registerin...