Hello Experts,We tried to add order confirm mbox call to send some data to target to utilize it in VIsitor profile We are getting following error imediately once fire the mbox call rule: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()What could be the issue?I'm adding error scr...
Afternoon Gurus, We had a use case in our old recommendation tool which would amend the sort order of a search results page based on personal behaviour i.e. if I search for "Red Dress" and have previous interactions with items that would meet this the Search Results page would reorder to boost the ...
Hello!I've been trying to do a cleanup in our Dell Target activities. Here's the request I'm doing: var options = { url: 'https://mc.adobe.io/{tenant}/target/activities/xt/' + activity.id, method: 'DELETE', ...
Hi Team, On our client's website, visitors don't login much . Orders/Bookings are done using phone number or Email Id. We could not use these in CRS as this a PII data . Can anyone advise how do we use the CRM data in such scenarios for the targeting purpose. Thank you.
Hello,I want to add a dependency to the metrics. With the overlay "Add Metrics Dependency" I also add the conditions accordingly. If I then click on "edit Dependency" again - the dependencies are deleted again. Is this a bug - or does the dependency remain active until I click on "edit Dependency"?T...
Hi Experts,I have an issue in delivering activity when I created few experiences in target.In my scenario ,the activities are inconsistent in the delivery. When the user logged we will be displaying recommendation in the home page. But it is inconsistent and sometimes it will delivery.What would be ...
Hi, we have a peculiar situation where the site menu requests S&P for all menu categories and the response values for a facet category field is cut of at 100 values, eg a bunch of categories will display as containing 0 items when drilling down. Is this a known limitation in S&P?
I have a usecase where audience/segment is getting created in Target from an external system(eg salesforce).Now lets say segments is created in traget using target APIs.Next step would be to use this audience and create activity to assign some experience for these.What I am unable to get is how on P...
Hi experts,I have created audience using vistor profile. Which will get the input from target profile parameters which is passed via launch target page load rule, order of execution are maintained. Even though everything is perfect I'm facing inconsistency in content delivery.My scenario is to captu...
How does Target determine the order of products to show in a product recommendation placement when using "Popularity" as the recommendation key? I am using 2 weeks of mbox purchase behavior. Also, do the products get re-ordered and shown randomly on subsequent page visits where the same placement is...