We have a client that uses dynamic URLs with multiple PIDs across thousands URLs, and we would like to know if and why, we can or can't use the Visual Experience Composer to create and test experiences on dynamic URLs. ThanksDs
I'm able to connect and get API responses with an API client (Insomnia).However, I keep getting an SSL error when trying to do the same with Python. Anyone managed to get it to work without the SSL error or using verify=false? This is the error I get: SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='mc.adobe.io'...
I'd like to know how I can exclude or prevent visitors from entering both experiences in my Target activity. I am currently using Adobe Target as my reporting source, and I'm wondering if there is an OOB functionality to segment those visitors who saw both experiences and exclude them out of my acti...
Hi,I have created an A/B Activity and when I am trying to do targeting for Experience Fragments with Single Page Application (SPA), I am able to save the activity but getting the below error and the activity is getting in draft mode:Sync ErrorYour updates did not get published to Adobe's delivery ne...
I'm curious if anyone has had success trying to leverage the new getOffers function to call all regional mboxes on a page with a single call/response? We got it working, but our Tech group reported that the performance was actually way worse than sending the separate individual calls. That doesn't s...
I am trying to track dynamic links via AT, in the editor i have the right selectors see image, these link are dynamically added to the pages after page load so don't receive the AT class .at-element-click-tracking. Any ideas how i can track these links?
Hello everybody,I am still fairly new to Adobe Target. I have worked with Google Optimize before and the logic to Adobe Target seems to be slightly different. I want to do something pretty simple, but I can't find the solution: Scenario: User visits our website. The person goes to the career section...
Hi Guys, We are integrated AEM & Target with IO and not able to see Target workspace options to export the offer to selected/required workspace. Below is the screenshot. Screenshot form our instance: Document URL: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/administering/integratio...