I tried to use postman to create xt activity but it error which INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.Service. What would I do to resolve problem?Pic1:HeaderPic2:BodyPic3:Error message
I have a customer that an on-prem version of Scene7. They are afraid of "putting their data in the cloud."They would like to purchase Target and integrate it with Scene7. Does Target have an on-prem version? In looking at Target security overview Adobe states that the at.js library can be self-ho...
Hi community,I tried using .includes().indexOf().endsWith()To check if string contains certain word in profile script but none of above is working in profile script..Can anyone suggest alternative method to check if string contains particular word in profile script?? ThanksGauresh
I have installed Adobe target V2 extension with at.js version 2.2.0 in adobe launch .I also have written rule in adobe launch and did “load target” and “fire global mbox” .A4T configuration is done and working fine. I have also created an Experience target activity . For target - using the sandbox p...
Hi, it's the first time I'm setting up an A/B test in Adobe Target and I followed the step-by-step instructions. However when I wanted to save and close, an error message popped up that says: At least one property is required when creating an activity in a non-default workspace. Tried googling but I...
Hello Everyone, Has anyone tried loading experience fragments via scripts within Target?Is it possible? If so how to do that, Any pointers will be really appreciated!! Thanks,Nitin
I'm sending the trackEvent call and getting a 200 response from the omtrdc endpoint. However when I check in the Reports dashboard of my experience, the conversion metric doesn't increment.I double checked that my conversion mbox is spelled correctly in the trackEvent call, and I tried with both th...
Hi, We have an issue where we cannot seem to use the target VEC on pages post login on our website. We input a URL from post login and the VEC will ask us to input login details and then fails when details are entered. Any suggestions would be really helpful! Thanks
Hi Team, We are firing a custom mbox through adobe.getOffer through the page and this mbox fires post firing of global mbox call. The custom mbox has the profile parameter and we are using this parameter to target the audience in an activity on the same page(page where the custom mbox is firing).In ...