I want to send an email notification wen a page is activated, but there are also modifications since the last activation.For now, we have implemented an event handler that detects the ACTIVATE events.Is there a way to check if the page has also been modified since the last activation? Thanks
Hi,I need to trigger a workflow when the user deletes a page on publish instance.[img]Untitled.png[/img]Now i'm on author instance and i delete a published page under /content/gimb_it/x/y, the workflow isn't triggered.Why?Thanks
Hello,Usually the thumbnails of the wider images i.e. resolution 1778*600 or 3200*600 appear very blurry on the list and column view of the touch UI. The rendition 319*319, which gets rendered on the list view, seems to have a fixed width and its height adjusted according to the original aspect rati...
Hi All,I need a suggestion from AEM experts. We are working on ecommerce development. We have integrated AEM5.6.1 with Hyris, using custom java REST API's. Now we are planning to migrate this from AEM5.6.1 to AEM6.1 (jsp to sightly). Can someone please suggest whether this will be feasible approach ...
Hi,As we know that, CRX automatically runs Tar PM optimization between 2 am and 5 am and we can configure the timing as well. It works in daily basis.Can we configure this Tar PM optimization once per week?We are using CQ5.4 . Please suggest. Thanks,Debal
I installed the AEM Sling plugin for Eclipse (Clean new installation of Eclipse Mars on OSX) as directed in the Backend Developer Training videos. However, it does not add an AEM Perspective as shown in the videos.Anyone have this working and could shed light on it?
Has anyone attempted adding custom search filters in the Assets section in the Content Finder?I had a look at adding a new item similar to /libs/wcm/core/content/editor/jcr:content/sidepanels/edit/items/assetsTab/items/filterPanel/items/views/items/search/items/searchpanel/items/paragraphpath but to...
Hi,We created multi field, inside multifield, i gave Richtext editor on Touch UI.For Rich text editor we used sling:resourceType="cq/gui/components/authoring/dialog/richtext"Am trying to add plugins for the richtext editor, it's not working.Is there any suggestions or any other way to add plugins. W...