Hi,We need to restrict user access for 'move' and 'delete' in Touch UI.Is it possible to add some listener/handler javascript in the following node so that we can restrict the user programatically ?/libs/dam/gui/content/assets/jcr:content/body/assetscontent/header/items/selection/items/moveassetAlso...
In a Sightly component can you set the i18n folder/basename to pull the translations from?In a normal JSP component we could do this <cq:setContentBundle basename="pearson-dot-com"/>, is there something similar for Sightly?
Hi guys,I am facing a strange issue here, Our production setup consists of One Author Instance and One dispatcher and two publishers 1 and 2.Each AEM instance running on AWS x3 large servers individually. But still with those high performance machines also AEM instances are taking 4 hours to res...
I have setup MongoDB with AEM. I am able to start MongoDB successfully and can access at web console. After that I have started AEM, but immediately after starting I get below error. MongoDB Logs:2015-04-28T09:58:14.933+0530 I NETWORK [websvr] Socket recv() errno:10060 A connection attempt failed b...
Hello All,I have few workflows in my project but I am unable to see them in the workflow console(i.e at localhost:4502/libs/cq/workflow/content/console.html).Can you please help me with this.Thanks
I have a local instance of AEM 6 running. I wanted to output an Adaptive Form into a PDF and came across this link https://helpx.adobe.com/aem-forms/6/submit-store-data-crx-repository.html that suggests that I need to download the Add on package and then I'll have the option to select "Store PDF sub...
In AEM document page "download PDF" link broken.For example: http://docs.adobe.com/content/docs/en/aem/6-0/develop/components.pdfOpen this pdf from page http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-0/develop/components.htmlthe PDF cannot be downloaded. it throw 500 error.