Hi,May I know, how we can re-use the widgets in Touch UI. As in classic UI, we can reuse as xtype: cqincludepath: ...infinity.jsonHow can this possible in Touch UI.As I referred the document https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-0/develop/the-basics/touch-ui-concepts.html, they have suggested to use ...
Hi,I am trying to implement sling dynamic include (v 2.1.3 with AEM 6.0 SP3) in my project to make the header dynamic. I have followed the steps mentioned here.My header node in under /etc/designs as I have used <cq:include path="{node path under /etc/design}" resourceType="{path to header component...
Hi Have created a bundle usinghttps://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/developing-aem-osgi-bundles-jackrabbit.html everythign is fine, but at last step when i try to create a page and choose template. No templates are being shown.I can see templates section as grayed out. Please help.I have ...
I need to filter the extensions of files inside a pathfield.the right way is the predicate.import org.apache.jackrabbit.commons.predicate.Predicate;import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property;import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;impor...
HiOne of the page of our site is not editable, on checking its properties we found out that the has a property "jcr:isCheckedOut" marked as false and that's why we were not able to edit that page.I could just find that it is related to versioning. But could not figure out, how it happened and to cha...
Hi,In AEM 6.1 , in the OOTB Workflow Purge Configuration , there is no option to provide cron expression. I configured to purge all the running workflows for more than one day and it is not purging.I have no idea when it will be triggered to purge all the completed workflows.Note : In AEM 5.6.1 cron...
So we have a custom component that has images, videos, CTAs, etc. as options. Every so often, the component gives me a generic "error" popup when I try to save the edits in the component. I'm told by our technical team that the solution is either to PUBLISH and then save the component changes (which...
HiI am working on AEM 6.0 for web content management and we have validation and publish processes (Publish process also has validation, to make sure it covers if there are any changes made by other users from the time of last successful validation). Now we trying to avoid redo of validation if there...
I'm trying to follow the instructions below running AEM6.1 locally on OSX.https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/administer/content/assets/video-transcoder.htmlI'm getting an error running mvn clean install sling:installIt gives the following output.[INFO] Reactor Summary:[INFO] [INFO] S7 Video Appl...