Hi All,I am using AEM 6 and get the below entries, whenever I start my local CQ instance.a] This slows down the system too much. b] Also, if I try to open any page, even by directly hitting the page url in author, it takes ages to open.22.12.2015 12:42:12.690 *INFO* [pool-9-thread-1] org.apache.jack...
Hi All,I am in the process of migration from AEM 5.6.1 to 6.1. In AEM 6.1 when SDI (2.0.4) is enabled my custom Servlet filters don't get executed. I have increased the ranking on my filters but still now luck.Has anyone experienced this issue before?Thank you.Cheers,Viren.
Hi,I can see my styles are being applied at this location(localhost:4502/editor.html/content/phonegap/app-name/en/home/test-page.html). When I build the app and download the .apk file,although the clientlibs folder under the location (\assets\www\etc) is present, I see that my designs folder is miss...
Social communities plugin brought in a facility to create a blog site. I am stuck with integrating it under my existing site and modify the client side rendering of the blog. I've tried replicating the folders(console,journal) under libs >social into apps>social and customized the css in them...thi...
Hello AEM Experts, I am exploring AEM touch UI. I have several components created on classic UI, and i am trying to provide support for touch UI also. I have used edit bar in most of my components and defined different combinations of actionConfig. Because of actionConfig, my component's actions are...
Hi Folks,I'm fairly new to AEM, so bear with me. I'm tasked to integrate a sort of 'virtual asset' into an AEM website.The use-case is that the end-user wants to manage videos, hosted on external websites (youtube, vimeo) as if they are AEM assets.I started looking into doing this by creating a cust...
I'm trying to get a list of tags available but I keep ending up with an Array of 0Example code: private List<String> tagsList = new ArrayList<String>(); try{ ResourceResolver resourceResolver = getRequest().getResourceResolver(); // Session session = resourceReso...
Hi Team,I have come across this link: https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/administer/operations/page-authoring/rich-text-editor.html for configuring RTE in touch UI.But still its not clear in that link, for how to create RTE in touch UI. As they mentioned, we need to create RTE in touch UI under ...
One node was not in Solr after searching for it...After looking into logs have found following:ERROR - 2015-12-21 17:05:29.598; org.apache.solr.common.SolrException; null:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Exception writing document id /content/dam/my/example.pdf/jcr:content/metadata/wn_previews:...