Hi Team,I am unable to parse or read the text of the pdf file using Tika parser. Asset asset = DamUtil.resolveToAsset(dataResource); Resource original = asset.getOriginal(); InputStream is = original.adaptTo(InputStream.class); ContentHandler handler = new BodyContentHandler(10 ...
Hi All,I am currenly CQ mail service to send mails. But, as my project requirement, I need to send Bulk mails(84000 at a time). Now, the current behaviour is, my application sends one mail at a time. Now, it should be able to send all the recipients in one go. How to achieve it? Please help me ... ...
Hello,I have a few clarifications about OAK lucene indexing and am using AEM 6.11) While creating the fulltext Index, should that need to be named as fullTextIndex (underneath oak:index) or we can give any name. Can someone confirm please2) Don't see any difference with creating the index for fullte...
Usecase:Footer component is authored to have the content in the footer in the design mode so that its applied across the template. As this gets stored under /etc/design/<project>/templateWhat is the best approach to translate these design level content so that the respective language data can be pul...
I'm trying to programmatically invoke a workflow which holds two workflows - DAM Offloading & a custom workflowThe problem I have here is Offloading is working fine...however my custom workflow is not executing within the step.Currently offloading has two servers - Both don't have my custom workflow...
Hi,In my project, there is a requirement to call a web service with some parameters, receive search results and display them in AEM.Which components shall I use for the search results? Table component or something else?Could you please direct me to sample code for populating a Table component or som...
I've replicated a site to our publish instance using activate tree. Everythingis find except when it calls out to the servlet. How do i replicate the servlet to thepublish instance. The servlet is currently in an oSGI bundle. Thanks.
I'd like to have users go to a different page other than the root of our application when logging out.I am following this post here: http://cqinnovator.blogspot.com/2014/07/how-to-change-default-page-after-sign.htmlI have created this: /apps/myapp/config.publish/com.day.cq.commons.servlets.RootMappi...