Hi,Pl refer to URL: https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/restful-services.htmlUsing Java 1.7; Maven 3.0.3. AEM 6.1..Copied settings.xml from this tutorial to users/<my user name>/.m2.When I ran mvn archetype:generate command, I am getting the following error. [WARNING] Checksum validatio...
I want to search pages which are having node 'contactform' and inside that property name called 'id' whose value is empty/null.Can some one please help me with this to write a query? I struggled much to get this done.
Hi All,I am trying to fetch date property from crx as below :Calendar cal = Node.getProperty("date").getValue().getDate();"date" is of type "String" and has a value currently of "2014-02-01".As per one of the article, http://aem.matelli.org/fetching-properties-from-dialogs/ this is one of the way t...
Hi Team,I couldn't find any PDF in this URL - https://docs.adobe.com/content/docs/pt-br/aem/6-0/administer/operations/notification.pdf .Could you please make it available to us?Thanks,AryA.
When I use the Client Context in AEM, and when I chack the error logs, I get the following message:GET /etc/clientcontext/default/content/jcr:content/stores.init.js HTTP/1.1] libs.cq.personalization.components.clientcontextdesigner.parsys.init$js$jsp error while including a init file /etc/clientcont...
Hi Friends,How do I change the default URL in AEM. For example: When I click on the content in the siteadmin (sample below), it opens in the " touch ui mode " (editor.html), whereas I want it to open in the content finder mode. http://localhost:4508/editor.html/content/geometrixx/en/toolbar/contacts...
I am trying to create a cronjob in cq using a time intervalI see on the link https://sling.apache.org/documentation/bundles/scheduler-service-commons-scheduler.html i could job1 and it will work .But i questions on the code.In the below code 1.Why the job1.run() is invovked in catch block .cannot ...
Can someone help me on this version purging.An exception occurred.javax.jcr.UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException: Unable to perform a versioning operation on a non versionable node:---------------> Property value is mix:versionable jcr:mixinTypes : mix:versionable------...