Hi,I hope that someone help me. Often when I working with CQ5, it returns the exception: org.apache.sling.api.scripting.ScriptEvaluationExceptionI try restart the bundles Apache Sling Scripting JSP support, Apache Sling Dynamic Class Loader Support but not working.Does anyone know this problme?Than...
Can someone provide me archetype command to create code and content Structure for Mobile App?If we don't have currently any command right now, what are the pin points to create the structure?What is the use of shell screen??
I want to make very very simple site with some page restriction. For example i want to have a site for photo sharing for example. On the HOME page i have 2 links: Basketball Photos and Soccer photos. Home page can be accessed from all users but Basketball photos can be accessed only from users in b...
Hi, i've developed a component where use can select the level1 Pages, and able to see the child pages of that current page. its wroking fine in author instance but in publish instance its throwing the cache issue. IIf i clear the cache it working. but end user cann't clear the cache always right. So...
Hi,1. Is it possible to generate thumbnail for word documents and excel without writing any custom workflow/servlet?2. I have modified the update asset workflow to generate custom rendition of thumbnails (Added thumbnail arguments 120:120:false under Thumbnail process step). But when I upload image ...
Hi,I am using CQ5.6.1.Could some one point out what could be reason login does not maintain the session using dispacther but works when hitting cq5 instance directlyWhen user log using cq form through dispatcher.Then after some random hits the page session which is tracked using a cookie is ...
Hi All,I am facing below issue. Can someone help please?I am having a component with pathfield. I am renaming some node using move option in siteadmin. The pathfield is not updating the links with the new name.For ex: I had previously /content/site/en/page.html in siteadmin and in path field of a co...