I'm trying to build my AEM project with maven but keep hitting this error on the compile-jsp stepHere's the error:[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.sling:maven-jspc-plugin:2.0.8:jspc (compile-jsp) on project some-app: Unable to compile class for JSP: [ERROR] An error occurred at line: 14 in ...
Hi ,We are trying to integrate AEM 6.1 and Hybris 5.7 as per the documentation provided in the link (https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/administer/ecommerce/hybris.html). (Eventhough it is mentioned in the documentation that AEM 6.1 supports till Hybris 5.4, We are trying this by changing Hybris...
Hi All,How to use OR operator for two different values of a JCR property?Please help me with the syntax.I want to get the results with two different values for cq:template property.Thanks,Kishore
Hi,I have a requirement like below,I need to find the assets associcate with specific workflowto achieve this one way isI can get all the active com.adobe.granite.workflow.exec.WorkItem[] workItems from the workflowSession then iterate each one and compare with the workflowidthis may cause the perf...
I've inherited this project but I'm having a lot of issues. I've imported into Eclipse but I'm these errors.[img]http://i.imgur.com/piUEvCU.png[/img]Not sure how to proceed.
I want to use the same OSGI service to read config values from run modes instead of developing multiple OSGI services. For example, we can click on "+" button to configure multiple DB's in felix console. Is there a way in AEM to do that?
HI,I am new AEM development and need help to externalize the DB user information from config file.Currently we configured the Data Source poll, that problem with this approach is we need to re-enter the DB User name Password manually as we are not allowed to keep Production User details in SVN. Al...
I have 2 scenarios that require that users be granted read access explicitly before they can access content in AEM. We're expecting to run a large number of sites in our authoring environment and authors should by default only see what they've been granted access to so that they're not overwhelmed ...
Hi,We are trying to verify the user access by using group.isMember(authUser) method. Usually this method call takes less than 5secs, but sometimes it takes more than 30 secs. we have captured the thread dump, but we don't see any lock in there. We are seeing the below stack trace getting repeated "q...