Hello all,I have a site published but the site is not getting properly linked to it's css or js.Currently css and js are both under a clientlib folder. The site works perfectly fine on author.Any ideas? Thanks
I'm starting an AEM project from scratch which is new for me and I'm wondering how to stop all my content being wiped everytime I run mvn -PautoInstallPackage install as the content package is being installed and wiping out everything below mysite/en/..
Quick question on statfileslevel property of dispatcher - If I have a content path like /content/geometrixx/en/products and statfileslevel property is set to 4 then does it mean on activation of any page under products like /content/geometrixx/en/products/triangle/overview all the pages under prod...
AEM 6.2 uses Sling Model API 1.2.2, but this bundle seems not include @Inject annotation. So how to I inject some of sightly object inside Sling Model?Old version look like: @Model(adaptables = Resource.class) public class HelloWorldModel { @Inject private SlingSettingsService settings; @Inject @Nam...
Need to create a custom image component.Custom image component will have a image and parsys.When we drag this custom image component over parsys in page, the image that we author should set as background and above that image a parsys should be displayed.Now, that parsys in that we included in custom...
Hi guys,I noticed the translation framework will create a new copy of the original content under the target language folder. So my data size increases by whatever size the original content was every time I use the translation framework to add a new language. Even though all languages use the same bi...
Hi,There is requirement to remove the content from page link. Please suggest way forward for the same. Have already done 301 re-direction to remove the content from URL.But need to remove the content from page link. Regards, Deepak
Hi All,We have upgraded to AEM 6.2 from 6.0 SP3.Do we require to install any specific packages/feature packages(like acs-commons,etc) after doing the standard up gradation??Thanks,Kishore