Hi Folks, I am trying filter the content of adobe aem assets api to get only folders and skip files to check whether parent folder have any sub folder. I am refereeing below url for adobe aem documentation regarding asset api :https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-64/assets/...
We are on AEM Cloud and would be using preview service as staging for pre-prod review of content and would like to avoid dispatcher caching at this layer. Is there an OOB way to disable dispatcher caching (specifically for JSON services) for AEM preview instance. thanks.
Hi community experts we are facing weird issue where we can not edit and save the properties of any content fragments. As soon as we save content fragments after edit it is giving an error. It is opening the erro dialog and saying unable to edit the properties. Here is the stack trace. Any help woul...
I am new to User Admin and am setting up some new usergroups. I have seen references in the documentation that you can "nest" groups to give a baseline set of permissions. My question is about what order AEM goes through the permissions. If I create a new custom user group, and make it a member of...
I'm working on a demand that needs a column to be added in the assets console of AEM as a Cloud Service. This column needs to present the data of a specific field of the content fragments in folder. (jcr:content/data/master/my_field) I got it by doing an overlay of availablecolumns and reorder.jsp...
I am new to user admin in AEM as a CS and have a request to create user groups that can only see a specific project in the DAM. Right now we are working with three project folders for testing purposes, but the final work will include up to 75 or more project folders. My DAM top level folders: /con...
Hi our compony use AEM , and we create more than 1000 components and more than 10000 content pages, but now we have been tell that too many components and content pages by platform team, and they said have many risk on platform . May I know is component and content pages numbers have limited?? Many...
Hi there, Hope you all are doing well! I have a query and require community support. Can AEM assets be leveraged to create, store and manage branded asset templates? Branded templates could be a flyer/leaflet, newsletter, or social media post. Once an asset template is created, we want to give b...