hi, we created assets custom metadata schema form to allow users to add additional tags on separate tab, those tags are obviously not saved to cq:tags props upon save. What would be the approach to intercept save, extract tags from custom props (wlimgtag & wlsoltag). and save it to cq:tags propert...
Hi everyone! I am wondering if there is a way to change the name of multiple assets simultaneously. Right now, I am selecting each individual asset and moving it to it's current location in order to change the names one at a time. Is there a more efficient way to go about this? Thanks for any help!
I need to access YAML files in dam from a template in AEM 6.5 /content/dam/yaml-files/ Inside the html body I should have the following for swagger to work: <div id="swagger-ui"></div> <script src="swagger-ui-bundle.js"></script> <script src="swagger-ui-standalone-preset.js"></script> <script> wi...
I added property predicate in Admin Asset search form in aem as a cloud.This works fine for exact text but when i try with partial text i am not getting any results. I have enable the partial search checkbox but it's not working. Please advise how to make it work.
Hi All, How do we calculate the size of node store space requirement when data store is configured in S3 bucket. We can size the data store based on the asset requirement but in this separate storage scenario how do we calculate and size node store alone separately. Please suggest. Regards
I have the below query to get a image node from an instance over 1 million assets type=dam:Asset path=/content/dam/company/product-assets nodename=test.tif p.limit=-1 XPATH Query /jcr:root/content/dam/company/product-assets//element(*, dam:Asset)[(fn:name() = 'test.tif')] SQL2 select [jcr...
I do have json files to be served from scene7. front end team using https://lottiefiles.com/ to covert these json files to gifs. I know how to serve image files using scene7 but not sure how would json files will be served. Can anyone help? In a usual images scenario, I would be doing https://imag...
For one of my requirements, I want to sync assets back from scene7 to AEM author cloud instance. I read a few posts and understood it was possible using feed importer in AEM6.1 but even those posts doesn't has much details. Has anyone faced such a scenario in the past and was able to find any rel...