Hi:I am trying to modify the delivery form. And want to add the follow function: Add a button in the "email delivery form", and when the button was clicked, the Internet Explore can be open and redirct to a specified URL.I meet the follow issuse:(1) What is the method/API to open an Internet Exp...
Hey guys!New to the forum, and also to Adobe Campaign I'm more of a "CRM-person", and used to working with Salesforce and Dynamics CRM. When it comes to MA-tools I have some knowledge about Campaign monitor, Mailchimp, Apsis, Hubspot and Marketo. (And oh, I'm on the IT-side of things if that makes ...
Hi Team,We often come across scenarios wherein workflows are getting in error state with the log 'no free disk space available'. After checking the database usage of the workflows we came to know that the workflows were not cleaned up (i.e their temp tables were not dropped and which was occupying u...
I want a way to connect to the Adobe Campaign Database which is hosted on Cloud using my local Post GRE SQL Client. Is this possible? This will help me in writing direct SQL Queries in my Post GRE SQL Client instead of using the Adobe Campaign Console Client.
Hi Team, Can we have the delivery summary for the deliveries which are sent in waves. As in suppose if i marked the delivery which is have the target of about 400k as to be sent in waves -> 20% each day in 5 waves. Then will I be able to track back the summary for deliveries sent on each individual ...
Hi all,I'm relatively new to Campaign so potentially I'm missing a piece of configuration on this. I'm trying to lock down access of a user to a particular folder - at the moment I'm testing on a sample user and folder but hoping to replicate this with real users.I have gone into the operator profi...
Hi,We have a AC6 6.1.1 with build number : 8594. It has an UPDATe STEP that is trying to insert-or-update into a AC6's own database ( no FDA being used here for this update data step).This step is in a campaign workflow that has two instance that are trying to update the same row in the same table. ...
Hi,I am creating a webform in which few fields have some validation which is getting validated through javascript on click of the form button. Validation happens , error messages pops up but webforms navigates to next page.I have written below code on the button:<input class="button submit_btn" id="...