Hello everyone, We are trying to dynamically add bins to a cube using enumerations (Reference : https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/campaign-classic/using/reporting/designing-reports-with-cubes/concepts-and-methodology.html#calculating-and-using-aggregates). What we want to do is when ever there ...
There appears to be two ways to send a proof, but the proof results are different: 1) Create an email delivery, after saving you can send a proof using the "send a proof" button in the ribbon2) Check "Enable proof sending" in the delivery properties and after running workflow you can access the "Sen...
I hava found in https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/campaign-classic/using/getting-started/connectors/adobe-analytics-data-connector.html the message "Adobe Analytics Data Connector is not compatible with Transactional messaging (Message Center)". What does this incompatibility mean? Not possible...
Hi All Is there any option to reopen the resolved ticket in https://support.neolane.net/ ? Also how can i get permission to view resolved ticket in https://support.neolane.net/ dashboard ? RegardsJK
I didn't receive the notifications and got error message (554 Blocked - see https://ipcheck.proofpoint.com/?ip=#IP#) from the delivery error log.I tried the website and it says not blocked by ipcheck. proofpoint. Does anyone have an idea how to fix this? Many thanks,Bob
Hi all, When I try to sent a delivery, from my sandbox, I get this error in the "mtachild.log" :2019-12-16 20:43:48.187+01 00002728 00002804 1 info log Starting an MTA child (pid=10024, tid=10244)...2019-12-16 20:45:44.108+01 00002728 00002804 1 info log ======== Deferred Queue (1) ========2019-12-1...
Trying to build a report table show Opens / Clicks using something similar to the recipient delivery log 'RowId' Have built workflow using BroadLog, TrackingLog & Recipient tables, and complimentary data: RowId(GetDate([delivery/broadLogRcp/eventDate])).... but this generates the RowId of the Broad...
Hi, I have found that table NmsBroadLogRcp is updated in batches For ex. likeUPDATE NmsBroadLogRcp SET iStatus=:1, iMsgId=:2, tsEvent=:3, tsLastModified=cast(SYSTIMESTAMP as TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) WHERE iDeliveryId=:4 AND iStatus=:5 AND ROWNUM<=5000 I'm looking for solution how to manage batch si...
Hi everyone, I am playing with email attachments from local computer and it works fine when it is used on test environment as there exist only one app server.When it is used on production environment where exist two app servers and load balancer in front of them, attachment is uploaded only on one s...