Hey, I'm currently using Neolane on a large Android app (millions of users), and have noticed crashes caused by the Neolane library in our crash reporting system (Firebase Crashlytics). As I couldn't find the source code, I'm unable to find any further information about these crashes. It's worth no...
Hello,I'm using MJML to build email newsletter which I'm sending using Adobe Campaign Classic. Whenever I'm using <a> tag to link something or <mj-button> like in example here: <mj-button mj-class="cta" href="http://link.com"> Open </mj-button>There is a display problem after sending whole message:I...
My web.log logs stopped updating after September 2019. I can see logs from August of 2019 to September 2019 and then there is nothing after that. Does anyone know what could've caused this and how to fix it? Thanks in advance!
Hello everyone,I have an issue with the rendering of a barcode in my email.This is what I use for my barcode right now in my HTML template :<tr><td style="padding: 5px 0 15px;" align="center"><img src="https://campaign.kruidvat.be/barcode/tISBN/h70/s2/v<%= targetData.cardNumber %>/barcode.gif" width...
Hi, I'm working on an import workflow, the data I'm receiving isn't clean. I need to map a string field into a long field. However the source RDBMS field contains values that has non numeric. I'm trying to manage this with either a split or a test but I'm getting nowhere as ISNAN(fieldname) isn't su...
Hi, I am facing an issue in Adobe Campaign Classic, We are pulling email template from AEM and we have personalised URLS eg : https://abc.com.au/?mid=<%= targetData.mid %>&cmp=BRD1&mdm=<%= targetData.mdm %>&hcrdid=<%= targetData.hashed_crods_pg%>&hcuid=<%= targetData.hashed_customer_key%>&heml=<%=...
Hello Community,In this scenario we are trying to pull data from adobe cloud and save it in AWS S3 bucket as a pipe delimited file.In the current situation the Scheduler is just grabbing everything from the DataBase and storing it in the S3 bucket...Every-time it run's, The data transfer has to star...
I have an issue with the rendering of a barcode in my email.This is what I use for my barcode right now in the email template :<tr><td style="padding: 5px 0 15px;" align="center"><img src="https://campaign.kruidvat.be/barcode/tISBN/h70/s2/v<%= targetData.cardNumber %>/barcode.gif" width="179" height...
Hi, in serverConf.xml Javascript memory is raised to 512 MB. I have got the following error Script stack space quota is exhausted when executed JS below which is exporting several "big" workflows into a zip file. File is large around 8 MB when error is shown.I would say that MemoryBuffer cannot hand...