Hi, I know the product formerly used to be officially named as Omniture and since Adobe took it over it is Adobe Analytics. But actually the URL is still omniture.com and the Mails one receives are from an omniture domain etc... This is quite confusing... Is there any plans to finally switch it/rebr...
Hi,We have a excel file with 20 columns and 2000 rows ,i want to read excel file and show the data in table .can any one help me how to doRegards,veera
Is there an option to count a unique click for a user on a page, eg, a user comes on a page and clicks 5 links but the unique click event only gives a count of 1 for that particular user.
We used 3rd party booking engine for hotel booking and so we have cross domain issue. As every time people go to reserve a room, they will be redirected to 3rd party booking engine and complete the reservation there. So cannot pass the "source" value back.We used friendly 3rd party cookie in 3rd par...
How can I create hourly comparison charts and graphs in workspace? If I pull two different time periods (for example today and yesterday) and want to view the change in visits by hour, how can I pull this? When i pull the hours dimension it contains the date and time, and does not allow me to compar...
I am comparing two periods in a reportlet in Adobe analytics dashboard.I want fixed dates. eg. Q1 2015 and Q1 2016When I choose 'fixed date' it keeps it fixed for one period ( Q1 2015) but keeps the other period (Q12016) rolling.This makes comparison uneven.How do I get this fixed. Do we have any...
As part of a test implementation I have to track the videos played through omniture milestone tracking. The player is ooyala version 3. I am able to get the code where alert is print once the video is played for 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the total video length. Question is how can i bind these with ...
Hi,I wondered if anyone has any best practice examples of how to track the delivery / success of personalised content using Adobe Analytics (assuming the personalisation tool used is not Adobe Target). The plan is that multiple different elements on any given page on our site may be personalised - t...