Hi Community,I'm looking for help on scRemove and the incrementor slot in the s.products variable.I'm aware that due to Adobe's setup, an scAdd and/or scRemove event fire will apply to all applicable products in the cart. But I'm stuck on the implementation.Am I to create two separate event incremen...
Hello,I’m trying to implement Adobe Analytics API 2.0 in an Adobe Campaign connector.Authentication is OK.Segments / users utilization endpoint is OK.But when I Try to test metrics or report endpoint, The system returns I don’t have access.In admin console (I’m administrator), I gave to my user all ...
I noticed that there is already API to check the status of data feed. But I would like to setup the data feed through API directly without using data feed management UI. Are there any APIs to setup & schedule data feeds?
Hello.I could see the mobile screen size dimension in datawarehouse and mobile report, but can not find it when create the data feed.It is not in available columns. There is a 'mobileresolution', it is not screen size, right?How can I get this column by data feed?Thanks~
Hello community! I'm trying to figure out how I can remove individuals that we have previously shared a Workspace with that is no longer with our organization. Users that have been removed from our account, which no longer show up within the Admin Console, are still in the Share Projects list. I hav...
Performing some offline A/B confidence testing using calculated measures. Therefore, can't use Target lift and confidence.Found an Excel calculator that uses Sum of Revenue Squared as an input. Is there a way to use calculated measures to create Sum of Revenue Squared?
Hi! As someone else said, Adobe Photoshop is not the best tool for creating graphics like that https://bit.ly/2ZWYSSa . In this site the graphic of comparison bulb images and infographic? Any clue?Appreciate your help!
I have been struggling to update the filter names on my Analysis Workspace workbooks. When I do, I have to type one letter at a time and wait for it to populate before typing the next letter. In many instances, the page becomes unresponsive and I have to start all over or just not name the filters a...
hi,anyone could advise if i could filter the report to get unique visitors per page for page view time specifically more than 3 mins? i understand using dimension could filter up to 10 steps but is there a way to only filter more than 3 mins?appreciate your answer.
Hi there,I work regularly with the "conversion variables", "success events", and "traffic variables" tools within AA's report suite controls. Over the past few months the UI has started performing much slower than usual. My peers are reporting the same. I have difficult loading the pages often takin...