I tried to use the help documentation - but i just see the page "404 - We couldn't find that page. Sorry." --> https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/de-DE/analytics/analyze/analysis-workspace/home.html I clicked on that link within "Workspace / Help / Help Documentation".It seems to bee a problem of l...
Team,We have implemented adobe analytics through adobe launch for few of our web sites. Many of them are tracking fine and we can see those data in debuggers as well (eVars and props). Unfortunately, there are two sites which we couldn’t able to see the “eVars” and “props” value when we do debug whi...
Hello, I have read many articles and posts on the differences between marketing channels and tracking codes, but I am still trying to figure out which report I should be looking at in regards to the revenue. If I simply want to know which channels bring in the most revenue would I be looking at mar...
Hi all, super quick question regarding Adobe Analytics Advertising Account.We don't have the Adobe Advertising Cloud, but still, we can collect data from Adwords (google & bing) using Advertising Analytics. I was trying to set up Google Shopping account the same way as I did for Adwords but keep see...
I'm trying to create a customised report for a dashboard but can't work out how to do this. I'm fine with creating the kind of reports I need via the workspace and projects but struggling with how to do this for the dashboard and need it to appear on there. Can anyone direct on how to do this?
Hello, I have an sProp that captures the entry url when someone visits the site. The url shows that the campaign code string is correctly preceded by the "?cid=" parameter. However when I break the Entry URL prop down with the Tracking code dimension, I get "Unspecified". Is this normal? What could...
Any ideas for the question posted on 4/27/20?https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-analytics-questions/capture-elapsed-days-chosen-from-date-calendar/qaq-p/360175
Dear all, When looking at page report to have conversions associated with each, conversions data do appear on report while nothing on workspace.I do not have access to admin set up on the Adobe Analytics account. Would you have an explanation for this? Many thanks, Camille