Hi. According to the instruction of AA help(https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/analytics/components/metrics/time-spent-per-visit.html?lang=en), the formula for Time Spent per Visits(seconds) metric should be <Total seconds spent / (visits - bounces)>. However, I am getting some different resul...
Hello, I was wondering if anyone has any experience with Cookie Walls / Consent and Apple's new ask not to track feature. Our native app was rejected by Apple because we still display a Cookie Consent wall after a customer has selected 'Ask App Not to Track'. However we take issue with this as the A...
We currently call the privacy api deletion endpoint and then poll for status until we see the deletion has been completed. We have noticed during testing that analytics returns "status": "complete" and "message": "success" regardless of whether a customer existed in the system prior to the deletion ...
Hi to all, I have a problem and I don't know the cause. I have this setup where marketing channel "offline" is populated if in query string there is the word "offline" But in the marketing channel report i saw that this traffic goes to "direct" channel. how is it possibile? do you have any ideas? ...
One of the issues we are having is getting page names to show correctly. The current implementation is actually been set to attempt to create page name by parsing the URL. What is the consensus or best practices for collecting page names? Can the implementation be set up to collect page name from me...
(I had asked this question yesterday, but I accidentally marked someone's reply as a solution, but it wasn't) I've been working with a client trying to ingest their Analytics data using the 'Data Warehouse' feature, but was seeing some discrepancies. Under the 'workspace' tab, the client created a r...
I have dozens of reports/projects.1. Are there any plans for better report/project management with Adobe Analytics?2. Are there any plans on adding a folder feature that allows me to better organize reports in folders?3. How do you guys keep your projects organized? Thanks!
Hello Guys, I have a question again. Is it possible to transform PercentPagedViewed (is a string) as an integer? For info: PercentPagedViewed is a costum JavaScript code .................var previousPageName=s.getPreviousValue(s.pageName,'s_ppn');_satellite.logger.log('previousPageName pageName s_pp...