Hello everyone, We want to have a reporting of our ad spend through FB Business in Adobe Analytics to be able to track Cost vs Revenue in workspace. How can this be integrated, does anyone have documentation? I imagine that it can be possible through Data Source or Classification Importer. I know th...
Hi All,We are upgrading from SDK 3.x to SDK 5 the new mobile AEP SDK. Appreciate if someone can help me with a check list of issues/items we have to consider and answer few question 1. Since we are not migrating from SDK 4.x so can we still use Mobile services extension in Launch?2. If we use the ab...
Hi, I'm using Adobe Api 2.0 with python to get some data from different VRS. So that I need the complete list of the VRS that've got in the subscription. The problem is that when I upload the function to an Azure Function and execute the code it returns me allways the same error: api2.getReportSuit...
Hi All, I have configured Adobe analytics extension and wrote one general page load rule for firing a pageName variable across my site. Whenever I load a page from my site, my rules are firing once but getting two analytics hits in my debugger. I cross-checked my page on loading. its loading only on...
I am building a Workspace and would like to create one freeform table where the dimension breakdown could be easily swapped to another dimension. I know this can be done by dragging and replacing the dimension but I would like the users of the dashboard to be able to select a dimension from a list.I...
Hello,Has anyone had any luck modifying the default metrics that appear in the top metrics against segments report in the Segment comparison panel. I know I can remove the ones I'm not interested in and add the ones I am, but this doesn't seem like the best user experience when I remove and add the...
Hi everyone, does someone has an intelligent solution for adding adobe tracking to impressions or clicks of thrid party applications? I belive that every call of an impression would occur in a standard server call, which can get expensive. Is there an other way than importing data from the other app...
Hi All, Is there is any tools or API available to export a particular adobe launch property [including rules, data element, extension ] from a sandbox and and move it to another sandbox. Thanks in Advance Cheers
Hi there, I wanted to query the 'Month' and 'Quarter' dimensions using the Adobe Reporting API but was unable to find them. It looks like these dimensions are unavailable through the API. Any workarounds or combination of dimensions that would achieve the same goal? Note: I can only use the Adobe An...