How can i ensure the ACDL persists or updates correctly across page loads when using WebSDK, as it refreshes on each new page load(triggered by button clicks to the next page)?The ACDL code is currently implemented through Launch, and we'd like to maintain this setup.Also, we tried using session sto...
Hello I have a metric that is an average per day: number of page views per unique visitor (metrics A in the screenshot). The date range is the last 90 days. Is it possible to have a daily average of this metrics A for the period of time please?So here instead of getting 83.2 (sum(page views)/sum(un...
How is it that an Entry Page/URL is returning Pages/URLs that could not possibly be entry points? The Pages/URLs can only be accessed by logging in, that means the Entry Page/URL would be the login page (or any other page that does not have to be logged in to view).
I have filters on a free form table and when I right click to create a line graph visualization, the numbers are completely off. Line graph shows 22,000 people in AugustFree form shows 850 people total in the entire data range. This is so frustrating to have to export this data and create visualizat...
HI All, Is there an easy way to get instances vs all occurrences (+ persisted values) for a given eVar or post_Evar? I only see how to get occurrences. Any expertise or help downst...
Hi, Is there a way to do a rolling pre/post time window to a given date? For Example, If I start a test Nov 1, I'd want my dates to be 5 in front (Nov 5.) and 5 behind (Oct 26). Can it roll forward and backwards? Thanks!