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Introduce Yourself!



Hi Everyone,

We are happy to have you on the Adobe Analytics Community!

Feel free to introduce yourself on this thread and connect to other members of the community as well. Here goes mine:

I am Tanmay  working as a Community Manger for Adobe Analytics & Media Optimizer and have been with Adobe for the past 15 months now. I hold a MBA degree in Marketing and engineering degree in Electronics. Also, I am an Automobile Enthusiast and love to talk anything and everything related to Cars. I have authored case studies and articles on the automotive industry for a handful of publications and magazines. Also maintaining a Facebook page on cars. Apart from that I would usually spend time watching a TV series or gaming on my PC. I am a Call of Duty and Need for Speed fan. :)

91 Replies


Level 2

Hi all,

I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I've a technical background (graduated in IT and studying some Big Data concepts now) and I'm working with Web Analytics since 2008.

Now I'm working as a Web Analytics Specialist at B2W Digital, the biggest ecommerce of Latin American.

Working with Adobe Products since 2012 my main expertises are in: Adobe Analytcs (certified on Processing Rules and Analytics modules), Dynamic TagManager and Adobe Audience Manager.

My main objective on this forum is to exchange knowlodge with the community

Regards :)



Bruno Brandão wrote...

Hi all,

I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I've a technical background (graduated in IT and studying some Big Data concepts now) and I'm working with Web Analytics since 2008.

Now I'm working as a Web Analytics Specialist at B2W Digital, the biggest ecommerce of Latin American.

Working with Adobe Products since 2012 my main expertises are in: Adobe Analytcs (certified on Processing Rules and Analytics modules), Dynamic TagManager and Adobe Audience Manager.

My main objective on this forum is to exchange knowlodge with the community

Regards :)



Welcome to the Community Bruno, we are glad to have you here! Feel free to start a discussion on any topic, share your tips and tricks, provide solutions to other users and get your queries answered as well. 



Level 1

Hello Everyone!

I am Tammy Brown, with Ariens Specialty Brands.  I manage the web analytics for each of our brands:  gemplers.com, benmeadows.com, awdirect.com.

I have been in this role since January 2013.  I look forward to using this forum to learn and grow.  I was disappointed to not be able to attend Adobe Summit this week.  Hopefully next year!


Former Community Member

Hi, I HATE Adobe. Been trying to get to a contact PHONE NUMBER for 30 Minutes! How to you talk with someone?



M Stewart wrote...

Hi, I HATE Adobe. Been trying to get to a contact PHONE NUMBER for 30 Minutes! How to you talk with someone?


Hi M, Apologies for the inconvenience. If you are looking for Analytics, you can call 1-800-497-0335. Thanks.




I am Jagpreet Singh. I joined Adobe a month ago. I have 12 + years of marketing experience. I worked on Omniture for a couple of years. I am here to explore what's new in Adobe analytics, best practices and learn from my fellow community members.

I am an avid biker and an adventure enthusiast.  

I am Amit working as a Senior Consultant for ultimate tech news.

Over couple of last years, I have developed my  experience in AEM, Campaign, Target, Analytics, DTM, Search and promote, and Audience Manager. I am working with Adobe marketing products since 2016 and I love to spend my time learning about AI and digital marketing technologies. Gained some experience around predictive modeling.


Level 2

Hi, I am Pallavi Das. I am currently working as an analytics associate consultant with Pfizer. I did my graduation in electrical engineering. I just started working on Adobe analytics. I hope to learn a lot from the Adobe community.

I enjoy reading, dancing and cooking. Sometimes I do write poetry as well.


Level 10

I am Amit working as a Senior Consultant for Adobe marketing cloud products.

Over couple of last years, I have developed my  experience in AEM, Campaign, Target, Analytics, DTM, Search and promote, and Audience Manager. I am an Adobe certified AEM 6.0 Developer, Adobe Certified Campaign Developer and Analytics developer. I am working with Adobe marketing products since 2011 and I love to spend my time learning about AI and digital marketing technologies. Gained some experience around predictive modeling.


Level 2

Hi Everyone, 

I'm Miguel, im informatics engineer , i know some languages for example , PHP, javascript, Java, C#, some libraries like Jquery, i used some CMS like Joomla.

Also i speak 5 languages, German, Italian, French, English (of course) and Spanish, i started to use Adobe analytics, i hope that you can help me with all my doubts and bear with me, i would like known many things about this tool. 

In my free time i like to play videogames, like Rainbow Six Siege, League of legends, and i like to do exercise. 


Level 1

Hello Everyone!  I'm Jessica and I've been working in digital analytics since 2004.  Yes - web analytics existed back then, but we used Urchin and developed our own analytics tool using Urchin called "Webclicktracker". I'm not sure if that exists anymore!

Anyway - I started using Google Analytics after they acquired Urchin and then as I progressed in my career, used Webtrends (various versions), Omniture, and Unica NetInsight.  I became an Adobe Certified Expert in 2014.  I have also used Adobe Target (way back when it was Offermatica - pre Omniture acquisition) since 2009, I believe. 

I'm currently the Sr. Digital Analytics Consultant at Thrivent Financial where we maturing our analytics practice into marketing analytics and hopefully utilizing more of the Adobe products. 



Welcome to the Community Pallavi, Amit, Miguel & Jessica! 

Hoping to see you guys engage more over here and use this community to your benefit.



Level 5

Dear all,

I am Vijayakumar Raju (Vijay) from Chennai, over all 5+ years of experience in Digital Marketing with specific to web analytics tools like Adobe analytics, Adobe Insights and Google Analytics and also search engine optimizer. I am looking forward to learn new and exiting features in adobe portal.

Thanks a lot for your support.



Level 2


I am Utsav Mukherjee from Lexmark International, based in Kolkata. I am here in Lexmark since March 2010. Before that I was in SEO/SEM and Web Marketing Field. In Lexmark I was introduced to Omniture and then to the whole Adobe Analytics system.

Till the beginning of 2nd quarter of 2017; I was mostly into Reporting Tasks – as a result I am aware about creating reports through Report Builder Tool, Data Warehouse, Ad Hoc Analysis etc.

Recently I was able to interact little bit with the Implementation Part and got the opportunity to attend a class room session on DTM.

I hope this forum will help me to enhance my knowledge more on Adobe Analytics.





Welcome to the Community Vijay and Utsav, its great to have you here. 

@Everyone - We are migrating this community to a new platform by the end of this month. Details here

If you guys have any feedback or Ideas on what you would like to see differently in the new community, feel free to ping me. I would be happy to implement your suggestions.




Level 8

Hi everyone,
I'm Mario, I'm a Computer Science Engineer working for a French Consulting Firm.
I've been applying Adobe Analytics and DTM tools on retail and bank web sites.
I will be happy to contribute to this forum whenever I can ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 





Hi, I'm Sandro, working in Adobe's Solution Consulting team in Switzerland, introducing our customers to the Analytics Cloud. Hope to identify some key discussion topics here and to help in one or the other case ;-)




Level 2

Hi I'm Waheed Chuahdary "Digital Analytics Consultant" in Lincoln Financial Group, previously I have been working for JPMORGAN CHASE. Its been more than 5 years to me to use and implement Adobe products (like Omniture, DTM, Target, Report Builder) for different clients. I came here to see & explore further about Adobe's innovations, best & standard practices in using tools and learn further opportunities through fellow community members.

Waheed Chuahdary


Level 2

Hi everyone! My name is Rob Ferguson and I currently work as a Business Intelligence Specialist for the largest publisher of metropolitan business newsweeklies in the United States. I have over 14 years of experience with web analytics and over 10 years with Adobe Analytics. At the Enterprise level, I was first trained on Adobe Insight, Omniture SiteCatalyst and eventually the entire Adobe Analytics suite of products as well as Adobe Target. I’m currently working towards my Adobe Analytics Digital Analyst certification.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/referguson/


Level 3

Hi Everyone –

My name is Suhail Parkar and I have around 7+ years of experience into digital analytics/digital marketing where I got an opportunity to work into Banking, Media, eCommerce domains. I have been using tools like Adobe analytics, Google analytics, Webtrends etc. And mostly I am working with Adobe analytics.

I am interested in learning more about implementation and DTM.

Hope this forum will help me to boost my knowledge more on Adobe Analytics.

LinkedIn Profile - https://www.linkedin.com/in/suhail-parkar-4b161823/





Welcome to the community Suhail.Parkar refergusonclt waheedchuahdary Sandro@Zurich marion33678522 !

Thats a lot of collective Analytics Knowledge and experience right there. I am sure the community will get to learn a lot from you guys. Feel fee to explore the place, there is a lot of content available already. Also, if you have questions we highly encourage asking them to the community.

Have fun!